Theme Park Exploration at DisneyLand, Tokyo

We allocated 2 days for Disneyland but still feels that need 3 days at least to have full blast at this park only.

Tokyo DisneyLand – Attractions and shows, meeting your favourite Disney characters. Seven  (7) fun filled themed land offers more than can be enjoyed in just 1 day!

Disney Castle @ Night

1.0 World Bazaar

Elegant buildings from the Victorian era line the streets and welcome you to the good old days of America at the beginning of the 20th century when Walt Disney was born.

Bazaar World, Disneyland

Disney Day Parade

2.0 Adventure Land

This is a land of adventure thrilling encounters await you from the wild beast deep in the jungles to the pirates along the dark waterways of the Caribbean


Boat Ride

3.0 Western Land

The wide open west of the frontier days is recreated here. The dreams and romance of the pioneers begin here.

Train ride

4.0 Critter Country

Along the river of America rises a red mountain where lots of critters have made their home


River Cruise
River Cruise


River Cruise View
River Cruise
Boat cruise by the river



5.0 Fantasy Land

In this fairy tale land where dreams come true. go on magical journeys with Snow White, Peter Pan, Winnie The Pooh and other familiar heroes and heroines.

6.0 Toon Town

A happy town where the characters from Disney Animated films live, work and play


7.0 Tomorrow Land

Experience a journey to the distant universe or an unforgettable musical show in this land of the future and mankind’s dreams.


Buzz Lightyear Disneyland Tokyo




Space Mountain -This space mountain ride will give you heart attack. Make sure you are fit to ride this roller coaster in a dark space.

Space Mountain – Disneyland Tokyo
Star Wars Simulation

Must wait!!!!! Dreamlights – Nightime parade Tokyo Disneyland Electrical Parade

Parkwide – Happiness is Here

This is where the happiest night parade takes place where we enjoy the fun and excitement of this parade with all of favourite Disney characters.

The lights to the castle is specially design for Disney Christmas Stories.

Night view @ Night Parade


This post still incomplete will add more photos soon. 🙂

Resipi Nasi Ayam … yums.. yums

Nasi Ayam merupakan menu yang paling ideal for kids. So sempena cuti Maulidur Rasul ni masakan yang mudah untuk disediakan ni dijadikan menu for lunch.

Nasi Ayam

Resipi seperti di bawah;

  1.  Sediakan Sup 

Bahan: Ayam (pilih parts yang disukai), sup bunjut, 1 labu bawang besar (potong 4), 3 ulas bawang putih (ketuk), 3 inch Halia (ketuk)

Cara Memasak: Rebus semua bahan diatas. Sebahagian air rebusan digunakan untuk memasak nasi. Keluarkan ayam (asingkan). Lebihan untuk dijadikan sup kena improvise dengan tambah kiub ayam knorr, hirisan daun sup dan bawang serta bawang goreng.


2. Penyediaan Ayam

Ayam rebusan sup tadi diasingkan.

Perap bersama sos tiram, kicap cair, kicap manis dan madu

goreng api kecil.


3. Penyediaan Nasi Ayam

Bahan: Beras (basuh dan tos), air rebusan ayam, 3 ulas hirisan bawang merah, 2 ulas hirisan bawang putih, 1 inci halia ketuk, daun pandan (simpul), kulit ayam dan sedikit garam, minyak sapi, pewarna kuning

Cara memasak: Tumis bahan hirisan dengan minyak sapi, masuk halia dan kulit ayam. – masukkan beras dan air rebusan ayam ke dalam periuk nasi bersama bahan tumisan dan lain-lain bahan diatas kecuali pewarna. Apabila nasi telah masak baru titiskan pewarna dah gaul rata.


4. Penyediaan Sos Cili

Kisar cili merah + bawang putih + garam + gula + cuka + sos cili

5. Penyediaan kuah kicap

sedikit air rebusan sup ayam + kicap manis, kicap masin dan minyak bijan


6. Tambahkan hidangan dengan telur rebus, timun, tomato dan salad



Continuous Practice on Hands Stand


Consistency and determination towards something you want to achieved can always help you build path to success.

Since my daughter yet to master her hands stand. She will make sure to do lots of practicing. She is aware that she still unable to do hands stand and that’s why she wants to practice.

But for safety and encouragement we will make sure allocate some time to be at her side. Hope one day she can master the skill.

Kids Two-Wheels Bicycle Practice

Today is public holiday thanks to Diwali! So I spent time with my kids and let them learn by themselves riding bicycle with 2 wheels. No more support wheels!

Deef with few tries managed to ride 2 wheels.

Lisha fall down and cried. She went inside the house. I thought she gave up. After few minutes, she came out and tried again. I respect her attitude for not giving up.

When Hadeef saw Lisha crying, he said his remarkable words. “Cry won’t solve your problem”.

After they finished practicing, Lisha showed her bruise on her knee.

lisha bruise on her knee
lisha bruise on her knee

Arduino Beginner Starter Kits Arrived!

I bought Arduino Starter Kits from Lazada. I bought it to teach my kids on programming from young age. Furthermore it is school holiday soon. So I want to expose them to new activities instead of just playing iPad, read books, play drums or gyms.

arduino package bought from lazada
arduino package bought from lazada

I did compare between Rasberry Pi & Arduino. From my findings Arduino is the easiest one especially for kids.

I bought 3 items.
1) Arduino UNO R3 Advance Beginner Learning Sensor Starter Kit v5
2) Arduino 4WD 2 Layer Smart Car Robot Chassis Kit Base Set
3) Arduino Range Finder Ultrasound Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04 HC SR 04

The Arduino Starter Kits comes with lots of electronics components such as LED, resistors, breadboard, light and temperature sensors, stepper motor, USB cable, LCD display and many more.

arduino beginner starter kit
arduino beginner starter kit
arduino uno starter kits
arduino uno starter kits
arduino uno starter kits
arduino uno starter kits
arduino uno starter kits
arduino uno starter kits
arduino uno starter kits
arduino uno starter kits

In total, I bought all the items for RM158++ and it arrived on time and in good conditions.

Before I can teach my kids, I need to learn first how to use Arduino. Surprisingly there is a lot of tutorial for beginners on the internet and lots of cool projects.


Discover Tokyo Disney Resort – Japan

Disney Castle – Disney Resort Tokyo


Visiting Disney Resort always our first aim when decided to go Japan. This is the main venue in our Japan Itinerary. We allocated 3 days to discover the park of our Day 5 and 6 (Disneyland) while Day 7 to Disney Sea.

Tokyo Disney Resorts offers two type of park entertainment with few themes for us to explore;

  1. Tokyo DisneyLand – Attractions and shows, meeting your favourite Disney characters. Seven fun filled themed land offers more than can be enjoyed in just 1 day!
  • World Bazaar
  • Adventure Land
  • Western Land
  • Critter Country
  • Fantasy Land
  • Toon Town
  • Tomorrow Land

Must wait!!!!!  Dreamlights – Nightime parade Tokyo Disneyland Electrical Parade

2. Tokyo DisneySea – Come and explore seven themed ports of call filled with breathtaking shows, unique attractions, fun shopping and fine dining.

  • Mediterranean Harbour
  • American Waterfront
  • Port Discovery
  • Mysterious Island
  • Mermaid Lagoon
  • Lost River Delta
  • Arabian Coast

Must wait!!! Fantasmic

It took 45 minutes travel time by bus from Haneda Airport to Tokyo Disneyland. It’s accessible by train and you shouldn’t be worried cause Japan transportation system just superb.

Terms that you need to familiar with;

  • Disney FASTPASS ticket (with time and no time restrictions)

Entry Ticket 

From my google research it was advisable to purchase tix in advance to avoid crowd which counter might closed to a certain entry daily limits. Some also experienced where tickets they bought from other online parties are invalid. After reading all those we decided to purchased advance ticket through Japan Travel Bureau (JTB) which you can find their counter at any AEON.. (i guess)

  1. Single Day Passport – enjoy 1 day either DisneyLand or DisneySea (Adult 7,400 yen and Child $4,800 yen)
  2. Multi-Day Passport – purchased for 3 days Magic Passport
  • Tickets price for adults – Yen 17,800 and Child – Yen 11,500 while children age 3 and below are free for  admission
  • Enjoy Tokyo DisneyLand and Tokyo DisneySea for 1 day each on 2 consecutive days. Select park in advance. visit either park or both on the third consecutive days.


Pathway to DisneyLand

Disney Resort Line

This convenient monorail circles Tokyo Disney Resort, stopping at 4 stations to link the Parks and hotels. Trains operates every 4 to 13 minutes.

Actually if want your full blast experience of Disney Resort, should consider staying at the hotel within that area. Here are hotels by Disney;

  • Disney Ambassador Hotel
  • Tokyo DisneySea Hotel MiraCosta
  • Tokyo Disneyland Hotel
  • Tokyo Disney Celebration Hotel

There also have other official hotels within Tokyo Disney Resort Line route – to Bayside Station by taking Disney Resort Cruiser to reach the Parks vice versa.

  • Sunroute Plaza Tokyo
  • Tokyo Bay Miahama Hotel
  • Sheraton Grande Tokyo Bay Hotel
  • Hilton Tokyo Bay
  • Hotel Okura Tokyo Bay


Tokyo Disney Resort Map

will share our park discoveries in my next post!

Genting Highland Pahang AirBnb Occupancy Rate

I bought one condominium at Windmill Upon Hills last year. I want to do AirBnb.

Interesting Places in Genting Highland

  • 20th Century Fox Theme Park
  • Genting Premier Outlets
  • Strawberry Farms
  • Colmar Tropicale
  • Organic Farm
  • Zouk

and few more.

Now my next concern what would be the occupancy rate of Genting Highland AirBnb.
To do that, I compare with Midhill condominium as it is already completed and similar concept with Windmill Upon Hills and owners already rent them out as AirBnb units.

AirBnb Occupancy

I calculate how many days a unit is occupied in a month. A unit is occupied if on the day it is strike through.

genting highlands airbnb rooms availability
genting highlands airbnb rooms availability

Genting Highland AirBnb Occupancy Rate

Then I compiled few units and calculate average occupancy rate and I did it for few months.

statistics genting highland airbnb occupancy rate as of 4/11/2018
statistics genting highland airbnb occupancy rate as of 4/11/2018


Occupancy rate is still low around 35%, maybe 20th Century Theme is not yet opened.

It is way off from my estimation of 90% plus from my previous post Genting Rooms Occupancy Rate Estimation

I noticed there are agents who manage the AirBnB units (have same owners for different units) which is good for me as in long term I plan to outsource my AirBnb unit management.

Resipi Pizza Kentang Ayam

Berikut merupakan another exploration requested by encik suami. Memang tak pernah masak karipap tapi he wanted toppings macam karipap.

Nervous at first untuk buat sebab tak tau what to use dan dengan bantuan Mr Google … wahh menjadi. lepas ni boleh buat karipap.

inti karipap
Pizza Kentang Ayam

But first thing first, i kongsi resepi seperti di bawah;

Bahan Topping (inti karipap)

  • 1 biji Bawang besar (potong dadu)
  • 3 ulas bawang merah (kisar)
  • 2 ulas bawang putih (kisar)
  • cili kisar
  • 3 sudu besar serbuk rempah kari ayam dan daging
  • 5 biji kentang (potong dadu)
  • ayam kisar.
  • 1 kiub ayam knorr
  • Perasa – garam dan gula
  • olive oil / minyak masak

cara memasak;

  1. Panaskan minyak – tumis bawang besar (separuh) sampai kuning dan naik bau. Masukkan bawang yang dikisar tadi ( bawang merah dan putih boleh dikisar bersama). tumis hingga naik bau.
  2. Kemudian masukkan cili kering blend (cili boh) dan serbuk rempah kari yang telah dicampur sedikit air. Tumis sehingga pecah minyak. Masukkan kiub ayam + garam + gula = kacau
  3. Masukkan ayam dan kentang yang telah ditoskan + 2 cawan air supaya kentang mudah empuk. Tutup periuk agar proses masak dapat dicepatkan. Campurkan bahagian terakhir bawang besar ke dalam masakan.



Penyediaan pizza dan toppings;

Gunakan pizza base bagi yang malas nak buat sendiri atau jimat masa.

Ratakan inti ke atas pizza base. Kemudian boleh aturkan bahan lain seperti di bawah;

  • capsicum
  • bawang besar
  • thyme leaves
  • mozarella cheese

Resipi lain berkaitan pizza: