Bootstrap version 5 Text On Image When Hover or Static Text

I couldn’t find an easy tutorial how to do text on image for Bootstrap version 5 when you mouse hover an image or a static text on the image.
So I have to try few solutions before get it right.

The solution is using purely CSS without any Javascript


How To Use It

  1. Wrap the image in a div with class=”text-on-image”
  2. Under the div wrapper,include a text div with class=”text”
  3. You can add link or button

Demo on JSFiddle

Macbook M1 MacOS Big Sur Error MySQL PhpMyAdmin When Login

I login to MySQL using phpMyAdmin with root account and it produced this error.

Login root via terminal

I was able to login using my root password means something configuration is not correct.

macbook M1 mysql login via terminal
macbook M1 mysql login via terminal

When I googled, I found 2 solutions. I tried the first one but fail. So I documented the one that works with Macbook M1 MacOS Big Sur.

Update root Password via Terminal

Login Again At Your phpMyAdmin

It should work by now using root and the updated password.

WordPress How To Get Variable from Rewrite Rules

I was scratching my head on how to get the variable from WordPress rewrite rules. In one of Stackoverflow post, it was mentioned we could use $_GET and in some posts proposed to use get_query_var() but when I tried both were emptied.

The Correct Way To get Get Variable from Rewrite Rules

But some conditions must be fulfilled. Please read on.

If Using get_query_var is still Empty means you use non standard variable name

Here is the list of standard query vars that you can use.

Register Your Variable Name

If you use your custom variable, you must add the variable as below.

Ensure Your Regex Has ^ at the beginning and $ at the end

If not, WordPress standard rewrite rules will be executed first and you can ‘t get your variable value.

The Full Code

Make sure you press save at Settings -> Permalinks.

Toilet Water Overflow – Replace Toilet Water Inlet of Type Push Button Flush Valve

Recently my toilet always overflow. I suspected it was due to the water inlet kept pumping in water.

My methods to Verify the Water Overflow

1. I adjust the water inlet lower.
2. If #1 fail, check whether there was water coming out from the water inlet hose

toilet diagram
toilet diagram

Adjust the Water Inlet

My water inlet can adjust its float. So I thought at first due to long time the float move by itself. So I lowered down the float.

Outcome: Still overflow

Check Whether Water Coming in from Water Inlet Hose

So I put the water inlet hose near the toilet body overnight. If it was wet then I know the water inlet needs to be replaced.

toilet put water inlet hose to toilet wall
toilet put water inlet hose to toilet wall

Outcome: Still overflow but the hose was dried.


For me there was only one conclusion because which was the water inlet that caused the water overflow. The water inlet was the only part that allows water to come in.

My Solution – Replace to new Water Inlet

At first I wanted to buy from Shopee which cost only around RM10, but after reading bad review. I decided to buy from a shop that cost me RM22. The quality is good and still works till now. I wanted to buy Techplas but it costs RM33 and at that time, I wasn’t really sure whether the overflow was really due to water inlet or other problems.

Outcome: No more overflow

toilet water inlet rm22 made in china
toilet water inlet rm22 made in china
toilet water inlet old vs new
toilet water inlet old vs new


I noticed after 8 years I have to change my toilet water inlet. I started to use the toilet in 2013. Now both my toilet water inlets have been replaced to new ones.

Reliable Panasonic Aircond Service Near Shah Alam or Kota Damansara

I had few bad experiences with unreliable aircond service providers before. After few days of service,  the aircond became hot and the handyman didn’t want to be responsible.

Fortunately after few unreliable handyman, I found 2 who are reliable and charge reasonable price.

Usually it takes them 4o minutes to service the indoor and outdoor aircond.

Reliable Aircond Service Providers Near Shah Alam / Kota Damansara

Azrin – 017 376 0530

Ah Kit – 012 672 9633 – charge RM140 per service

Usually I service my aircond every 6 months or when there are so much dust inside the aircond which ever later 🙂

My Dirty Panasonic Aircond Needs Service

panasonic dirty aircond need service
panasonic dirty aircond need service
dirty aircond need service
dirty aircond need service
panasonic aircond service
panasonic aircond service


Maybank MAE – Send Money

You can send money to other users of Maybank MAE.

When you send money using MAE, the money will be credited to the receiver’s MAE account.

You can only send money to a receiver who has MAE account.

You can choose from your other maybank accounts to send money not just from your MAE eWallet.

Access Send Money from Arcade MAE-mory – How To Win

maybank mae - send money access via arcade maemory
maybank mae – send money access via arcade maemory

Click Send Money

maybank mae - send money
maybank mae – send money

You can Send Money from your Contact List and with MAE icon can receive the Fund

maybank mae - send money to contact with mae account
maybank mae – send money to contact with mae account

Error Account Not Linked If You Send Money to a Receiver without MAE account

maybank mae - error account not link if contact doesnt have mae
maybank mae – error account not link if contact doesnt have mae


Approve the Transaction from Maybank App

maybank mae - send money approve transaction
maybank mae – send money approve transaction

Proof of Transaction Successful

maybank mae - send money transaction successful
maybank mae – send money transaction successful

Ikea Built In PAX Wardrobe – Experience Installing the Wardrobe Ourselves – DIY

I bought IKEA PAX wardrobe at IKEA Damansara on 29th August 2021 and got it delivered on 31st August 2021. We had 50% discount for delivery thanks to Merdeka day. So we just paid RM35 for delivery.

We bought 2 sets of Ikea Pax Wardrobe with 150 cm (width) x 60 (depth) cm x 236 cm (height).

Video of Completed Ikea PAX Wardrobe Assembly

Some Photos of The IKEA Delivery

ikea wardrobe - boxes arrived
ikea wardrobe – boxes arrived
ikea wardrobe - boxes
ikea wardrobe – boxes
ikea wardrobe - doors
ikea wardrobe – doors
kids helping dismantle old wardrobe
kids helping dismantle old wardrobe

Why We Chose Ikea Wardrobe?

Guarantee of 10 years

We had good experience with Ikea kitchen cabinet when we had issue with it, Ikea replaced our whole kitchen cabinet for free as it was still under guarantee.

Ikea PAX Wardrobe - 1o years guarantee
Ikea PAX Wardrobe – 1o years guarantee

Changeable Configuration

You can change the shelves or add new shelf or drawer easily.

Why We decided To Install Ourselves the Wardrobe?

  1. Actually we didn’t at first. But due to MCO  Covid-19, Ikea didn’t do any installation until further notice.
  2. When we received our Ikea wardrobe boxes, the delivery guy said they can do installation at 10% of total price.
  3. We agreed to the price but they could only do it the next day.
  4. Because we couldn’t wait and were too excited. We decided to install it ourselves.

What Are Tools Required?

Screwdrivers – 2 sets

Most of the time you just need one. But to join 2 frames together easily you need to use 2 screwdrivers.

Ikea gave one female and one male screw to join those 2 frames. So one screwdriver hold one screw while other turn to tighten the other screw.

ikea pax wardrobe - join 2 frames together
ikea pax wardrobe – join 2 frames together

Cordless screwdriver cum cordless wood drill

Cordless screwdriver uses for closing gap of shelf supports plug and to screw L shape shelf to the frame.

cordless screwdriver cum wood drill
cordless screwdriver cum wood drill

Wood drill bit

You need 2 sizes, the smallest one for the door handle drill and bigger one to make a whole for screw that will be used to join 2 frames.

ikea pax wardrobe - 2 sizes of wood drill bits for door handle and screw to merge 2 frames
ikea pax wardrobe – 2 sizes of wood drill bits for door handle and screw to join 2 frames

Water ruler

We used water ruler to ensure door handles were aligned horizontally.


Hammer was used to nail the plywood at the back of the wardrobe.

F clamp –  2 sets

F clamp is used to join 2 frames together. IKEA instruction shows that we have to use 2 F clamps but I managed to do it with one F clamp because I only got one.

wood working F Clamp
wood working F Clamp

How Easy it is to do it yourself the Ikea Wardrobe Installation?

Relatively it was easy but it was tiring. It took us nearly 12 hours to complete the whole wardrobe.

The hard part was installing the handle of the door. We made mistakes on it but the mistakes wasn’t that obvious.


What mistakes did we make during the installation?

Wood scar on the door handle

If drill from inside the door create wood scar on the exterior of the door. So the right way was to drill from exterior so the wood scar was only visible from the inside.

ikea pax wardrobe door handle - wood scar on the outside
ikea pax wardrobe door handle – wood scar on the outside
ikea pax wardrobe door handle - no wood scar on the outside
ikea pax wardrobe door handle – no wood scar on the outside
ikea pax wardrobe door handle - drill from outside
ikea pax wardrobe door handle – drill from outside
ikea pax wardrobe door handle - drill from inside
ikea pax wardrobe door handle – drill from inside

The L shape shelf

ikea pax wardrobe - L shape shelf
ikea pax wardrobe – L shape shelf

We wrongly assembled the L shape shelf. We had to disassembled and carefully read the IKEA instructions.

Secondly, we didn’t properly screw the L shape shelf to the frame until there was gap between the shelf and the frame body. When this happened, the drawer was stuck, it couldn’t be opened. We had to unscrew and screw it again.

One person drill the screw at the bottom of L shape shelf while the other push it to the side to avoid it from making a gap with the frame.

What tips we can give for anyone wants to do themselves?

Shelf Supports Plug

Use your cordless screwdriver to screw the supports plug to ensure there is no gap between the supports plug and the wardrobe frame.

At first, we tried to screw it manually but there was always a gap and hard to properly put the shelf on top of the supports plug.

ikea pax wardrobe - shelf supports plug
ikea pax wardrobe – shelf supports plug

The Door Handle Wood Scar Due to Drilling

Use another unused wood at the other side of drilling section to avoid any wood scar as shown in the below videos.

Would we do it by ourselves again?

Yes. Even though it was tiring but we were excited and felt fulfilled when it was successfully assembled.

Some Photos during the IKEA Wardrobe Assembly

ikea wardrobe - frame
ikea wardrobe – frame
ikea wardrobe - kids helping to nail the plywood
ikea wardrobe – kids helping to nail the plywood
ikea wardrobe - nailing the plywood
ikea wardrobe – nailing the plywood
ikea wardrone - frame that can be nailed to the wall
ikea wardrone – frame that can be nailed to the wall
ikea wardrobe - first frame completed
ikea wardrobe – first frame completed
ikea wardrobe - lamp is on where door is opened
ikea wardrobe – lamp is on where door is opened


Maybank QR Pay – Arcade MAE Mory Games To Earn Cash and Vouchers

Maybank MAE QR Pay has gamification features where you can earn cash and shopping vouchers. It is called Arcade MAE mory.

To play the game, you just need to sort the items according to their category. The more correctly you sort the item the higher score you get and the more cash you can earn.

How To Access MAE-mory

1) At bottom menu of MAE application, click more

2) Then you choose Arcade MAE-mory

arcade MAE mory - game menu
arcade MAE mory – game menu

The Arcade MAE-mory Game

You need to sort the items based on their categories.

You can play as long you have accumulated at least one “Chances”.

MAE more the game
MAE more the game
MAE mory number of chances to play
MAE mory number of chances to play

Cash Earned by Playing Arcade MAE-mory

The earned cash is directly deposited into your MAE eWallet

maybank mae arcade cash reward rm10
maybank mae arcade cash reward rm10
maybank arcade mae mory - cash reward RM0-50
maybank arcade mae mory – cash reward RM0-50
maybank arcade mae mory - cash reward RM0-20
maybank arcade mae mory – cash reward RM0-20
Maybank Arcade MAE mory - caring voucher and cash from maxis
Maybank Arcade MAE mory – caring voucher and cash from maxis

How To Get More Chances to Play?

You can do below transaction to get more “Chances” to play.

MAE mory - how to get more free games
MAE mory – how to get more free games