How To Renew Indonesian Maid Permit In Malaysia Using MyEG in 2019

Easy Peasy,

Lemon Squeezy, 

With MYEG,

Make life easy!

 Haahaa.. This year, 2019 is my Indonesian helper 10th years in service. Not like last year (2018) this time, it was way easier to do permit renewal because I didn’t need to send her for FOMEMA check-up.  steps for maid permit renewal

Since she just got back from her hometown for two months break, her work permit validity only left about one month.

To make things easy for us before she went back for her hometown, I cleared all the processes. Below is how to renew maid permit for 2019:-

  1. Prepare employment contract with Indonesian Embassy.
  2. Renew her passport. (Because to renew her work permit with immigration, her passport validity must no less than 3 months of expiry from her 1 year renewal term of work permit).
  3. Transfer work permit sticker from old passport to new passport. (with cost).
  4. Updating an immigration systems of all latest passport information and interlinked with MyEG for upcoming MyEG renewal process.

When she returned from her break, I only need to logon to MyEG service website and key in all the information for renewal with payment.  That’s all!

2 bedrooms with balcony windmill genting highlands
MyEG website for maid permit renewal
MyEG website for maid permit renewal
  • Choose immigration and click at Maid Permit Renewal
MyEG website for maid permit renewal
MyEG website for maid permit renewal
  • Fill up all your details
MyEG website for maid permit renewal
MyEG website for maid permit renewal
  • Choose your collection method
MyEG website for maid permit renewal
MyEG website for maid permit renewal
MyEG website for maid permit renewal
MyEG website for maid permit renewal
  • Cost Involvement for Maid Permit Renewal

Total cost for Work Permit Renewal is RM610. Cost inclusive of Pass Charge RM60.00, Levy Charge RM 410, Visa Charge RM15, and Process Charge RM125.

MyEG website for maid permit renewal
MyEG website for maid permit renewal
  • Choose Your Payment Method. Make sure you disabled pop up blocker for this website for payment gateway to pass through.
MyEG website for maid permit renewal
MyEG website for maid permit renewal
  • At the end of transaction you will receive payment summary and if successful you can print your online receipt.
  • Keep receipt number so it will be easier for you to follow up if needed.
  • collection


What To Eat at Genting Highland- Delicious Thai Cuisines > choice#1

We have been making few staycation trips at Genting Highland just to have feel of living and enjoying view up the hills.

Within month of August 2019, we make 2 trips. Each stay around 2 to 3 nights using AirBNB booking facilities for homestay. Only one of the homestays provides induction stove for cooking which we decided not to spent time on cooking but just eat out and explore food places.

I will share one good place, we hunt for food up here.

Choice #1: NOK SOKMO GENTING TOMYAM – Restoran Masakan Thai dan Masakan Kampung

Location: Genting Permai, in front of GEO38 Condominium.

Latitude Longitude: 3.386584, 101.774920

This restaurant serving delicious halal Thai cuisines which most of the night time all tables are taken. Make sure you come early for dinner (before 7.30pm) so your order come quick and no need to wait for vacant table.

We ate few times there just because of its satisfying flavours and at affordable price.

Ordered same dishes were never bored for me laa.  Hehehe. So this was the food that we ate repeatedly.

Tomyam Ayam, Telur Dadar, Kailan Ikan Masin, Kangkung Belacan and Ayam Pad Krapow
Tomyam Ayam, Telur Dadar, Kailan Ikan Masin, Kangkung Belacan and Ayam Pad Krapow
Ikan siakap masak tiga rasa at Genting Permai
Ikan siakap masak tiga rasa at Genting Permai

Price range for all of the above within RM91 – RM94, with 5 bowls of plain rice and ice water or maybe with additional 1 or 2 glasses of teh tarik and kopi O. Food deliciously cook and worth the price. Cheaper for that 5-6 lauk.

It is cheap and good food especially in Genting now the food price is expensive.

You may explore other foods which they also serve ‘masakan kampung’. tapi belum try lagi sebab yang atas tu sedap sangat. ;P


Aneka Nasi Menu at Genting Permai
Aneka Nasi Menu at Genting Permai
Masakan Ayam at Genting Permai
Masakan Ayam at Genting Permai
Masakan daging and seafood at Genting Permai
Masakan daging and seafood at Genting Permai
lain - lain specialty at Genting Permai
lain – lain specialty at Genting Permai




Detecting Similar Images

Use Case

I want to know programmatically whether listings posted at Mudah.My are similar or not even though it is posted by different persons and different date.

To do this, I think the best way is to detect whether the photos are similar or not.

Why To Know Same Property Is Advertised Over Period of Time?

I would like to know whether the property
1) price change over time, signalling time to purchase it
2) possibility owner becomes desperate to let it go if advertised for quite some time. So I can get better price

Same Property But Advertised by Different Agents and Different Date

All listings refer to same property by evaluating using naked eyes.
So now, I want to detect programmatically that all the listings are referring to same property by detecting those photos are similar.

Listing AgentPosted Date
Listing 1
Price: RM260,000
Listing 2
Price: RM260,000
Listing 3
Listing 4
Listing 5
Listing 6:

Kitchen Photos

Seroja Apartment Listing 1 - Kitchen
Seroja Apartment Listing 1 – Kitchen
Seroja Apartment Listing 2 - Kitchen
Seroja Apartment Listing 2 – Kitchen
Seroja Apartment Listing 3 - Kitchen
Seroja Apartment Listing 3 – Kitchen
Seroja Apartment Listing 4 - Kitchen
Seroja Apartment Listing 4 – Kitchen
Seroja Apartment Listing 6 - Kitchen
Seroja Apartment Listing 6 – Kitchen

Bedroom Images

Seroja Apartment Listing 2 - Bedroom
Seroja Apartment Listing 2 – Bedroom
Seroja Apartment Listing 5 - Bedroom
Seroja Apartment Listing 5 – Bedroom

Technique Used

    1. Step 1: Fingerprinting the Photos

Fingerprinting the photos is using image hashing technique. In this case, DHash will be used.

    1. Step 2: Compare the Photos

After fingerprinting, image hash will be compared among listings. If the image hash are same or Levenshtein distance is less or equal to 2, then we can consider as the listings are referring to same property.


PhotosSizeNoticeable FeaturesImage Hash
Listing 1 - Kitchen18KB
Kitchen - listing 1 ,listing 3 and listing 6 are similarcc6c7a727e7c3e77
Listing 2 - Kitchen19KB
Has door and wall fan3f37333333333339
Listing 3 - Kitchen18KB
Listing 4 - Kitchen17KB
Kitchen - Listing 4 color is lighter compared to listing 1, 3 & 6cc6e7a727e7c7e77
Listing 6 - Kitchen18KB
Listing 2 - Bedroom22KB
similar with bedroom listing 5 only size is different.e1b90d0c8ccc84c1
Listing 5 - Bedroom10KB

Kitchen Photos

If we take Listing 1 as a base, we can say easily that it has same image hash with Listing 3 & Listing 6.

Listing 1 has Levenshtein distance of 2 with Listing 4.
Listing 1 has Levenshtein distance of 15 with Listing 5.

Bedroom Photos

Listing 2 and Listing 5 has Levenshtein distance of 2.


We can conclude photos are similar if their image hash is the same or their Levenshtein distance is less or equal to 2.

False Positive

What happens if different properties use same photos such as signage or building block? The algorithm will detect it as same property even though it is not.

To avoid this, we should establish a database of signage or building block to remove this false positive.

Photos Example

Apartment Signage
Apartment Signage
Apartment Block
Apartment Block


Fingerprinting Images For Near Duplicate Detection
Python Code & Images Used
DHash Algorithm
Listing 1
Listing 2
Listing 3
Listing 4
Listing 5
Listing 6

Preparation for Drum Yamaha Grade 10 Examination

“TIME YOU ENJOY WASTING IS NOT WASTED TIME” – Marthe Troly-Curtin, Phrynette Married.

As a parent we need to educate our kids on how important for them to manage their time wisely. To get them to value time they need to be discipline.

I remembered during my younger age there was no electronics, gadgets or apps that could help to manage my schedule or alerted me to do a certain task. What I did was to prepare a scrapped book with tasks/ actions segregated by time frame on day to day basis. For example; at 5.oo – 5.30pm (watering plant & fold cloth), 6.oopm (shower) … felt guilty when didn’t follow it.

But these activities are more to routine and will become meticulous even though it’s important to be time conscious. So we focus on the time filling instead.

We introduced our boy to music lesson which he chose to play drum at first and permanently become his liking which he continuously attends to weekend class. He practices every day for at least 30 minutes to an hour.

We take step forward to measure his efforts in this field by registering him for Drum Yamaha Grade 10 Examination. We want to expose him playing in front of examiners and to develop his self confidence.

He practices nearly every day using his electronics drum. So far according to his teacher, he is able to do it.

hadeef yamaha drum grade examination session
hadeef yamaha drum grade examination session

Yamaha Grade Examination was held at YAMAHA centre in Kelana Jaya. Now we need to wait for the results which according to staff result will take around 1 month to be released.

Mom and Dad always Pray for you Hadeef! Best of Luck!

Yamaha Drum Grade Examination Explanation

Nasi Goreng Ayam Kunyit Putrajaya Parcel C

Popular nasi goreng ayam kunyit at Putrajaya Parcel C. It is sold at pasar tani Parcel C every Thursday.

I really like the chicken, the taste is delicious and crunchy. The seller puts soy ketchup and sambal chillis. The combination blend well when eating.

It is so popular, the queue is long but the good thing the nasi goreng ayam kunyit sellers are really efficient in preparing the food so you don’t have to wait very long.

nasi goreng ayam kunyit putrajaya long queue
nasi goreng ayam kunyit putrajaya long queue