Cara Tukar Nama TNB kepada Pemilik Baru Secara Online Untuk Rumah Lelong

Untuk tukar nama TNB kepada pemilik baru secara online amatlah mudah untuk rumah lelong.

TNB Tukar Nama Kepada Pemilik Baru Online (

Pastikan anda dapatkan satu salinan bil api akaun lama untuk memudahkan anda merujuk alamat pemasangan api. Ini kerana alamat bil api selalunya tidak sama dengan alamat rumah.

Anda hanyalah perlu login ke TNB Online menggunakan username anda sedia ada. Selepas login, klik “Apply” dan ikutilah langkah-langkah online tersebut.

TNB akan menghantar email untuk meminta dokumen tambahan.

Dokumen Diperlukan

Dokumen yang perlu disediakan untuk tukar nama bagi rumah lelong.

  1. Kad pengenalan
  2. Memorandum of Sales (mengantikan S&P)
  3. Proclaimation of Sales (POS)

Bil Tertunggak Tidak Perlu Dibayar

Pemilik baru tidak perlu membayar jumlah bil tertunggak disebabkan oleh pemilik lama.

Penukaran nama mengambil masa 14 hari bekerja selepas tarikh permohonan penukaran nama. TNB akan memberikan nombor akaun yang baru.


Bayaran deposit sebanyak RM713 akan dikenakan untuk penukaran nama.

Langkah-langkah Penukaran Akaun TNB ke Pemilik Baru Secara Online

Klik “Apply” dekat menu atas kanan.

tnb tukar nama online - apply
tnb tukar nama online – apply

Masukkan alamat rumah.

tnb tukar nama online - individual and own
tnb tukar nama online – individual and own
tnb tukar nama online rumah lelong - alamat kena betul
tnb tukar nama online rumah lelong – alamat kena betul
tnb tukar nama online - masukkan poskod dan alamat
tnb tukar nama online – masukkan poskod dan alamat

Isikan maklumat yang diperlukan seperti nama dan nombor kad pengenalan.

tnb tukar nama online - masukkan maklumat
tnb tukar nama online – masukkan maklumat
tnb tukar nama online - isikan maklumat
tnb tukar nama online – isikan maklumat

Masukan maklumat rumah anda.

tnb tukar nama online - maklumat rumah
tnb tukar nama online – maklumat rumah

Kempilkan dokumen yang diperlukan.

tnb tukar nama online - dokumen yang diperlukan
tnb tukar nama online – dokumen yang diperlukan


Simpan nombor rujukan TNB dan nantikan emel pengesahan dari TNB . TNB akan menukar nama dalam masa 14 hari bekerja.

tnb tukar nama - application submitted with reference number
tnb tukar nama – application submitted with reference number

IWK Permohonan Penukaran Nama Pemilik Akaun Untuk Rumah Lelong Yang Mempunyai Jumlah Tertunggak

Saya telah membeli rumah lelong yang mana mempunyai jumlah tertunggak IWK dalam RM668.

Saya telah menghantar permohonan kepada IWK untuk menukar pemilik akaun IWK ke nama saya dan meminta IWK melupuskan hutang lama pemilik lama.

Cara-cara Permohonan Penukaran Nama Pemilik & Memohon Lupuskan Tunggakan

  1. Sertakan memorandum jualan, POS dan penyata akaun IWK pemilik lama
  2. Kandungan email bolehlah ambil dari screenshot yang disertakan.
  3. Sila hantar permohonan anda ke
  4. IWK akan menukar nama ke nama anda dalam masa sehari. IWK akan menghantar email untuk mengesahkan penukaran nama.
  5. Manakala untuk pelupusan jumlah tertunggak akan mengambil masa dekat 2 bulan. Dalam kes, saya IWK menelefon pada 16 Mac 2023 dan penyata akaun akan dihantar dalam beberapa hari selepas itu.
  6. Jika anda tidak menerima sebarang penyata akaun, bolehlah ‘request’ dekat IWK online.
  7. Selain itu, IWK akan membuat pengiraan pro-rata bayaran yang anda perlu buat kepada IWK. Pengiraan pro rate dikira dari tarikh pembelian rumah lelong.
IWK permohonan tukar nama rumah lelong
IWK permohonan tukar nama rumah lelong
IWK permohonan penukaran nama selesai
IWK permohonan penukaran nama selesai
IWK tunggakan pemilik lama dilupuskan
IWK tunggakan pemilik lama dilupuskan


Amatlah mudah untuk menukar nama akaun IWK dan IWK sangat memahami dalam melupuskan hutang tertunggak pemilik lama.

Renew Car Insurance Bjak vs MyEG Review

Every year I renew my car insurance with MyEG. This year, MyEG changed the agent because the previous agent resigned from MyEG.

The new MyEG agent is lousy in his response to my query and because of that I tried Bjak service.

Bjak vs MyEG Car Insurance Quotation

Bjak is cheaper by RM30 vs MyEG not much difference.

bjak car insurance and road tax renewal quotation
bjak car insurance and road tax renewal quotation
myeg car insurance and road tax quotation
myeg car insurance and road tax quotation

Car Insurance Providers Choices

Bjak gives you list of car insurance providers for you to choose from with their respective pricing. I choose the cheapest one.

bjak car insurance quotation
bjak car insurance quotation

Customer Service Responsiveness

Bjak seems to be automated customer service but if question is really custom their human customer service will respond quickly.

I had bad experience with MyEG agent for this car insurance cause he seems not care to respond or to assist with my inquiry.

When I tried to change agent, I couldn’t. This is the major reason I switched to Bjak.

bjak customer service fast response
bjak customer service fast response
myeg lousy agent response
myeg lousy agent response
myeg try to change agent but cannot
myeg try to change agent but cannot

Car Insurance Cover Notes Delivery

After payment to Bjak, I received near immediately my car insurance cover notes. Similar response time for MyEG.

Overall Review


Pricing: 5/5
Customer Service Responsiveness: 5/5
Car Insurance Cover Notes Delivery: 5/5
Ease of Use: 5/5



Pricing: 3/5
Customer Service Responsiveness: 2/5
Car Insurance Cover Notes Delivery: 5/5
Ease of Use: 4/5

Overall 3/5

Installation of Panasonic Aircond 1HP X-Deluxe Inverter CS-XPU10XKH

My old Samsung aircond is faulty so I decided to replace it with Panasonic aircond inverter 1HP model CS-XPU10XKH. The installation was done on 31/03/2023.

Why I Use Panasonic?

I use Panasonic because I have good experience with my other Panasonic aircond. I found that Samsung aircond is bit hard to repair and I want to add the new aircond to my Panasonic mobile app so I can control the aircond remotely.

Besides, I found Panasonic aircond is cold, really silent and energy saver.

The Installation

The distance between the indoor to outdoor unit is 29 ft. For the first 10 ft the installation charges is RM250 and additional one feet the contractor charges RM17.

It took around 4 hours to do the installation from 230PM to 630PM.

preparing the air cond
preparing the air cond
installing the new panasonic aircond
installing the new panasonic aircond
my faulty old samsung air cond
my faulty old samsung air cond

Total Installation Cost

First 10 ft installation: RM250
Additional 19 ft x RM17: RM323
Disposal of old Samsung aircond: RM80

Total: RM653

The Aircond Installer Contact Details:

Azrin Electric: 017 376 0530


How To Repair Bent Wall Mounting Bracket of Auto Gate

My auto gate wall mounting bracket was bent while reversing my car. So I need to straighten it back or the auto gate motor will be loosen in the long run.

The Solution

My contractor’s solution was simple, just use car jack, hammer and wood.

First, the contractor put a thin wood in between the jack and wall bracket.

Then he put the jack at the end of the bracket and start to straighten the wall bracket.

To ensure the bracket was straight from its tip till the wall, he used hammer but put wood on top of the bracket and the jack was still under the bracket.

car jack used to straighten bent wall mounting bracket auto gate
car jack used to straighten bent wall mounting bracket auto gate

The Straighten Wall Mounting Bracket

repaired straighten bent wall mounting bracket auto gate
repaired straighten bent wall mounting bracket auto gate

The Contract Contact Details

Rudy – 011 3310 8757

Replace Sliding Door Rollers

I have 2 sliding doors that are hard to slide and making scratching sound. I know I need to replace the rollers, lubricate or remove any dusts inside the rollers.

Sliding Door #1 – Remove Dust & Hair, Lubricate and Grease

taking out one pane of sliding door
taking out one pane of sliding door

When I opened the first sliding door and remove the rollers from the frame, the rollers are still good, the only things it got dusts and hair. After cleaning the dust and hairs, my contractor lubricated it with WD-40 and put grease around the bearings.

Besides, the contractor puts grease on the sliding door rail.

putting grease on sliding door rail
putting grease on sliding door rail

After put back the roller, the sliding doors become smooth again. Solve problem #1.

Sliding Door #2 – Replace Old Rollers

For sliding door #2, the rollers didn’t really smooth anymore. So I decided to replace it with new one where the rollers bearing is concealed. This is better to avoid the rollers getting rough easily due to dust or hair.

old roller of sliding door
old roller of sliding door
replace new roller
replace new roller
old type roller where the bearing is exposed and easily get dusts into it and making it rough to move the sliding door
old type roller where the bearing is exposed and easily get dusts into it and making it rough to move the sliding door
new roller where the bearing is concealed
new roller where the bearing is concealed

Cost of Repair

Rollers: RM5 per piece x 4 = RM20
Labour charge (5 panes): RM200

Total: RM220

Contractor I used


Telephone:  011 3310 8757

Why I don’t Use my Usual Sliding Door Repairman

I don’t use the usual contractor because I found their price is too expensive. I have to change 5 panes that might costs me nearly RM1,000.

price to replace sliding door roller
price to replace sliding door roller


House Renovation Contractor Shah Alam – Saujana Electrical Trading Review

I bought a terrace house at Denai Alam and plan to do simple renovation to the house. My most worried is to get good quality with reasonable price contractor.

Fortunately my awning contractor Saujana Electrical Trading, can do any house renovation. From my past experience when installing my awning, the contractor is fast with quality jobs and with reasonable price.

Original Condition of My House Backyard

Renovation Scope & Price

  1. New Wiring with DB (all switches & plugs provided by me) – RM3,200
    1. Water heater wiring x3
    2. Air cond wiring x2
    3. Water pump wiring x1
    4. Power point plugs x2
    5. New lamp point x1
  2. Wall with new base and strengthen with steel – RM2,800
  3. Backyard flooring & cleaning up the wild plants – RM970
  4. Steel drain cover – RM220
  5. Small gate at the wall – RM1, 000
  6. Awning polycarbonate 20 ft x 6.5 ft – RM2,800
  7. Gate (refurbish and repaint) with aluminum panel – RM2,800
  8. Auto gate (dnoor brand) – RM1,400
  9. Washing machine tap – RM630 (RM990 – RM120x3)
  10. Grille to create one small door x 2 – RM600

Total Price: RM16,420

denai alam wiring scheme
denai alam wiring scheme

Photos of the Renovations

Wild Plants to be Cleaned Up & Old Fence To Be Removed

denai alam lots of wild plant at the back
denai alam lots of wild plant at the back
denai alam original backyard
denai alam original backyard
denai alam original gate
denai alam original gate
denai alam old water tap
denai alam old water tap

Buildng the Wall & Small Gate

denai alam wall height
denai alam wall height
denai alam bricks for the wall
denai alam bricks for the wall
denai alam the original backyard 2
denai alam the original backyard 2
denai alam the original backyard
denai alam the original backyard
denai alam laying the foundation for the wall
denai alam laying the foundation for the wall
denai alam bricks of wall
denai alam bricks of wall
denai alam constructing the wall
denai alam constructing the wall
denai alam complete plastering and undercoat paint wall
denai alam complete plastering and undercoat paint wall
denai alam plastered wall
denai alam plastered wall
denai alam waiting the plaster to dry
denai alam waiting the plaster to dry
denai alam touch up the small gate
denai alam touch up the small gate
denai alam wall with small gate at backyard
denai alam wall with small gate at backyard

Refurbish Main Gate & Auto Gate

denai alam remove old gate to add aluminium panel
denai alam remove old gate to add aluminium panel
denai alam touch up the gate
denai alam touch up the gate
dnor auto gate
dnor auto gate
denai alam the complete refurbish front gate
denai alam the complete refurbish front gate

Washing Machine Tap & Drainage

denai alam add new piping at the back for washing machine
denai alam add new piping at the back for washing machine
denai alam water drain for washing machine outlet
denai alam water drain for washing machine outlet
denai alam completed new washing machine water tap and new power point plugs
denai alam completed new washing machine water tap and new power point plugs

New Wiring

denai alam tools for the wiring
denai alam tools for the wiring
denai alam wiring and pipe
denai alam wiring and pipe
denai alam new wiring for lamp as well
denai alam new wiring for lamp as well
denai alam new wiring for water heater and aircond
denai alam new wiring for water heater and aircond
denai alam wiring from the new db to the backyard
denai alam wiring from the new db to the backyard
denai alam wiring to the new db
denai alam wiring to the new db
denai alam new db
denai alam new db
denai alam wiring for the switch
denai alam wiring for the switch
denai alam water heater and air cond switch
denai alam water heater and air cond switch
denai alam wiring for lamp
denai alam wiring for lamp
denai alam new wiring for switch
denai alam new wiring for switch
denai alam plaster back & repaint the wiring holes
denai alam plaster back & repaint the wiring holes

Awning Polycarbonate

denai alam install awning at backyard
denai alam install awning at backyard
denai alam backyard awning and wall
denai alam backyard awning and wall

Repaint & Make Small Door to Existing Grille

denai alam remove grille to make a door to the grille
denai alam remove grille to make a door to the grille
denai alam installing back the grille with door
denai alam installing back the grille with door


Contact &  Location of Contractor

Saujana Electric Trading (Nazreen Ong): 019 372 7117

Location of Saujana Electric Trading

My Review On The Renovation Contractor

The core expertise of Saujana Electric Trading are awnings, gates and grilles. Other they outsource it but they do select the best sub contractors.

Work Quality: 5/5
Completion time: 5/5
Responsiveness: 3/5
Price: 4/5

Overall: 5/5