Godot 3.2.3 Inheritance GDScript Call Parent Function

Lets say you want to have two GDscripts where the ChildScript.gd will call ParentScript.gd.

From there, you want the ChildScript.gd to call its parent function.

Create Class Inheritance

You first create inheritance in GDScript by calling “extends”.

Call Parent Function . Use dot “.” to call parent function

Download Godot Project Example

In this example, when “Press Me” button is clicked. The label will change to “Parent Child” where “Parent” is return value from parent function while child is from child function.

godot-3-2-3 inheritance call parent function
godot-3-2-3 inheritance call parent function

You can download here the project example.

Godot Button Signal Tutorial

I’m still new to games development using Godot engine.

I follow the button signal tutorial on Godot website. I created the project for easy reference for others because at the website they don’t provide the Godot project that you can immediately play.

Full GDScript from the tutorial

Download Godot Button Signal Project

You can download the button signal Godot project here, if you want to run the tutorial.

In case the button signal tutorial is broken link for what soever reasons, I have converted the web page into PDF.

Hope it helps beginner games developer like me.

PHP is not running after upgrade MacOS Big Sur on Apple Macbook Pro M1

Another problem I always face after upgrading MacOS where PHP is not running anymore. I have to google to find solution. Now I decided to write step by step tutorial so easy for my future reference and hopefully can help others who face the same thing.

1) My phpMyAdmin instead of showing login page, it displays its PHP code.

Macos Bigsur upgrade php not running
Macos Bigsur upgrade php not running

2) Uncomment PHP Module

Open httpd.conf

Find php by typing

Remove # to uncomment the PHP module.

remove # from load module php
remove # from load module php

Save the changes by typing

3) Restart Apache

4) Refresh the PHP page

macos big sur php running again after change httpd conf
macos big sur php running again after change httpd conf

Post Office Tesco Mutiara Damansara Business Hours / Operating Hours

I wanted to renew my driving license but couldn’t find easily business hours for Post Office Tesco Mutiara Damansara during MCO.

So I share its business hours / operating hours for everyone convenience.

Every day : 10AM – 6PM
Public Holiday: closed

I went today (21/03/2021) to renew my driving license but to my despair, driving license can only be renewed after 31st March 2021.

Apple Macbook Pro M1 MacOS Big Sur – Missing xcrun after MacOS Update

I always face missing xcrun when I use command “git pull” after MacOS update where the OS will update xcode.

apple macbook pro M1 - missing xcrun
apple macbook pro M1 – missing xcrun

To solve this problem just install back the xcode-select via the command line.

A window will appear whether to continue to install. Just click install.

apple macbook pro M1 - install xcode-select
apple macbook pro M1 – install xcode-select

It takes around 5 minutes to download the file.

apple macbook pro M1 - download xcode select
apple macbook pro M1 – download xcode select

After installation, run again the “git pull” . This time it will work.

apple macbook pro M1 git pull success
apple macbook pro M1 git pull success