Required documents;
- Letter authorization – wakil isteri
- Marriage certificate
- Employer IC copy
- Copy of maid passport front and back
- Copy of maid work permit sticker
- Written info in A4 paper – full address (employer house add and Maid Indonesian house add)
Cost for 5 years passport renewal is RM109.00 as of March 2019. This cost inclusive of Biaya Paspor (RM92.00) and Jasa Ti Biometrik (RM17.00)
After submission (27/3/19) of completed document they will give you a slip with payment proof. They said normally will took around 3 days for new passport collection (stamp collection date which is in 1/4/19).
On the slip is also stated that we can sms to get update on the passport status before come for collection.
In my case it so troublesome – took me almost 3 weeks.
Type of Application: Perorangan Penggantian – Habis Berlaku