Why Shopee is more expensive than Lazada even from same company?

I want to buy Samsung computer monitor. I compared between Shopee and Lazada from same company. I noticed that Shopee is more expensive compared to Lazada.

Of course, I don’t take into account any discount provided by Shopee or Lazada.

Samsung Monitor 27 inch from EIT Store

shopee samsung monitor eit store more expensive than lazada
shopee samsung monitor eit store more expensive than lazada
lazada samsung monitor eit store cheaper than shopee
lazada samsung monitor eit store cheaper than shopee

Product link Shopee

Product link Lazada

Lazada: RM637.90 (monitor) + RM6.50 (delivery) = RM644.40

Shopee: RM695 (monitor) + RM5.60 (delivery) = RM700.60

Lazada is 8% cheaper vs Shopee.

Samsung Monitor 27 inch from CS Computer Shoppe

shopee samsung monitor cs computers shopee more expensive than lazada
shopee samsung monitor cs computers shopee more expensive than lazada
lazada samsung monitor cs computers shoppe cheaper than shopee
lazada samsung monitor cs computers shoppe cheaper than shopee

Product link Shopee

Product link Lazada

Lazada: RM639 (monitor) + RM11 (delivery) = RM650

Shopee: RM659 (monitor) + RM3.20 (delivery) = RM662.20

Lazada is 2% cheaper than Shopee.

Lazada – How You Can Cancel Your Order

At Lazada, you can only cancel your order if the order is not yet processed by a seller.

During cancellation, Lazada will ask reasonĀ  of cancellation and give comments on your cancellation.

lazada request for cancellation
lazada request for cancellation


The payment refund via credit card will take around 5 – 15 business days.


lazada purchase using credit card
lazada purchase using credit card
lazada credit card refund
lazada credit card refund


Comparison Shopee vs Lazada Malaysia

I did my own comparison between the most popular e-commerce platform in Malaysia, Shopee & Lazada.

At first I like Lazada thanks to its smooth user interface and good delivery. But in one of my purchase I got issue with the seller and I’m unable to contact Lazada. Lazada is like a total AI platform without people interaction.

While Shopee is more human platform because you can contact Shopee and get replied from a human agent.

Thumbs up means it a win over its competitor while thumb down, the platform loses to its competitor. But it doesn’t mean if thumb down it is not worthy or reliable.

It is my way in making easy evaluation.

Below is my comparison and with it details comparison.

shopee lazada comparison
shopee lazada comparison

My preference is buying at Shopee if I can’t find an item at Shopee or I find that it is cheaper at Lazada then only then I proceed buying at Lazada.

Order Cancellation


Cancellation by Buyer

Shopee still allows buyers to cancel order even after the item has been packed and on the way for delivery.

You just need to click cancel and choose the cancellation reason.

shopee cancellation reasons
shopee cancellation reasons

So far I have done 2 cancellations due to sellers unable to deliver on time. I got the full refund without problem.

shopee cancellation
shopee cancellation
shopee cancellation
shopee cancellation

Cancellation by Shopee System

Shopee also will cancel an order, if they find some problems with the seller delivery or the seller himself.

I also received full refund when order is cancelled by Shopee system. Unfortunately Shopee doesn’t notify you via email or gives any discounts like Lazada.

shopee cancellation by system
shopee cancellation by system



Cancellation by Users

I never able to cancel my order in Lazada because there is no option to cancel after the order is packed even though it is very late in delivery.

Lazada only mentions we can reject the order by rejecting it at door step which is impossible to do because most of the time you are not at home when the item arrives at door step.

lazada cancellation
lazada cancellation

Cancellation by Lazada System

Fortunately Lazada will auto cancel an order and gives full refund if the order is late for delivery.

At same time Lazada will notify you via email on the cancellation and gives you discount voucher of RM4 valid within 60 days.

lazada cancellation by system
lazada cancellation by system
lazada email cancellation with discount voucher
lazada email cancellation with discount voucher

Winner: Draw

Loyalty Program


At Shopee, you earn Shopee coins when you buy at Shopee and when you give rating of your purchased items.

shopee earn coins by giving rating
shopee earn coins by giving rating

You can use the Shopee coins to get discount for your future purchases.


While Lazada, it doesn’t have its own loyalty program. It leverages on BCard. Whenever you complete your order payment, you can insert your BCard numbers.

Winner: Shopee



Orders Summary Delivery Status

shopee orders summary delivery status
shopee orders summary delivery status

Tracking Goods

Shopee tracking goods depends on logistics company use to deliver the item. J&T Express gives details information up to their delivery boy phone number for you to contact them directly.

While Pos Laju will give only summary info.

Due to non standardized information from different logistics companies, it is hard for to really understand meaning of each information.

shopee delivery J&T Express
shopee delivery J&T Express
shopee delivery pos laju
shopee delivery pos laju

Delivery Notification

Shopee doesn’t notify you via email if the items are shipped out.

It will notify you via its mobile application.

At same time, the dispatcher will call you the check whether you at home or no. If not, he would just put it at your mailbox. But I notice, this is not standard practice. It is more depending on the dispatcher.


Orders Summary Delivery Status

lazada orders summary delivery status
lazada orders summary delivery status

Tracking Goods

Lazada has good standardized tracking goods information regardless logistics companies used for the delivery.

It also will auto refund your money in case the item is not delivered within stipulated time.

lazada delivery - auto refund if not delivered within stipulated time
lazada delivery – auto refund if not delivered within stipulated time

Delivery Notification

Lazada will email you, once the item is ready to be shipped out. It means either by today or tomorrow the item will arrive at your home.

When the item is delivered, it will send another email notification.

Besides the dispatcher will WhatsApp you directly informing that he already delivered the item.

lazada delivery whatsapp
lazada delivery whatsapp

Winner: Lazada

Payment Security


Whenever you pay using credit card, Shopee will ask TAC to authorize the payment.


If you already save your credit card information in Lazada system, whenever you pay using credit card, Lazada will not ask for TAC to authorize the payment.

Winner: Shopee



Email Support

Shopee does have email support and I sent few emails and I got replied in within 1 business day and it solves all my problems.


It also have FAQ but sometimes hard to find the information you want but luckily Shopee has the email support.

Live Chat

So far Shopee doesn’t have Live Chat support.


Email Support

Surprisingly Lazada doens’t have email support like Shopee.


Lazada also has FAQ and its FAQ have images to make you understand better.

Live Chat

Lazada has interactive Live Chat. It is not live chat between you and customer service agent but it is more like FAQ section with interactive interface.

Winner: Shopee


Arduino Beginner Starter Kits Arrived!

I bought Arduino Starter Kits from Lazada. I bought it to teach my kids on programming from young age. Furthermore it is school holiday soon. So I want to expose them to new activities instead of just playing iPad, read books, play drums or gyms.

arduino package bought from lazada
arduino package bought from lazada

I did compare between Rasberry Pi & Arduino. From my findings Arduino is the easiest one especially for kids.

I bought 3 items.
1) Arduino UNO R3 Advance Beginner Learning Sensor Starter Kit v5
2) Arduino 4WD 2 Layer Smart Car Robot Chassis Kit Base Set
3) Arduino Range Finder Ultrasound Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04 HC SR 04

The Arduino Starter Kits comes with lots of electronics components such as LED, resistors, breadboard, light and temperature sensors, stepper motor, USB cable, LCD display and many more.

arduino beginner starter kit
arduino beginner starter kit
arduino uno starter kits
arduino uno starter kits
arduino uno starter kits
arduino uno starter kits
arduino uno starter kits
arduino uno starter kits
arduino uno starter kits
arduino uno starter kits

In total, I bought all the items for RM158++ and it arrived on time and in good conditions.

Before I can teach my kids, I need to learn first how to use Arduino. Surprisingly there is a lot of tutorial for beginners on the internet and lots of cool projects.