My auto gate wall mounting bracket was bent while reversing my car. So I need to straighten it back or the auto gate motor will be loosen in the long run.
The Solution
My contractor’s solution was simple, just use car jack, hammer and wood.
First, the contractor put a thin wood in between the jack and wall bracket.
Then he put the jack at the end of the bracket and start to straighten the wall bracket.
To ensure the bracket was straight from its tip till the wall, he used hammer but put wood on top of the bracket and the jack was still under the bracket.
car jack used to straighten bent wall mounting bracket auto gate
The Straighten Wall Mounting Bracket
repaired straighten bent wall mounting bracket auto gate
I installed Wifi Autogate controller at my autogate because I want to be able to open my autogate before I reach my home. So when I reach home the gate already open so I just need to park my car.
Besides that, normal autogate remote control hard to open as I need to be near to the autogate box and press few times the button before I can open.
I choose Wifi autogate controller that supports SmartLife application because I use SmartLife to control my ceiling fan, TV and airconds. So want to use same application.
Wifi Autogate Controller – 2 Channels
I bought 2 channels so the controller can control both gates means I can open either left or right gate individually.
The installation is really straight forward, you just need:
Screwdriver @ Test pen
Wire with the right diameter to connect all those pins.
Wire Cabling Scheme to Connect the Pins
how to connect the wiring
How to Do the Installation
I just follow the connection diagram provided by the Wifi Autogate controller seller and ensure you off first your electricity to autogate box.
The Working Wifi Autogate
smart life autogate switch buttons
Where Can Buy the Wifi Autogate Controller?
I bought it from Shopee. I recommend this mCube seller because he is responsive to all my questions and helpful in ensuring the Wifi autogate controller installation was a success.
Baru-baru ini eletkrik rumah saya “trip”. Saya on satu-satu MCB untuk tahu mana yang satu yang membuatkan rumah elektrik saya trip.
Saya dapati autogate yang trip. Ianya terus trip walaupun tidak menggunakan autogate. Ini berkemungkinan besar ada masalah wiring dari bekalan elektrik ke autogate.
Untuk pastikan rumah dapat bekalan elektrik saya matikan MCB untuk autogate. Kemudian saya memanggil wireman untuk membaiki masalah trip ini.
Ujian Untuk Mengenalpasti Wiring Menyebabkan Elektrik Trip
Wireman mengunakan wiring asing dari MCB ke autogate. Kemudian on kan MCB autogate. Menggunakan wiring baru ini autogate tidak trip. Ini mengesahkan ada masalah wiring dari MCB ke autogate.
kabel yang digunakan untuk menguji sama ada wiring sekarang auto gate yang menyebabkan trip
Selepas wiring dikenalpasti sebagai punca utama, wireman memasang wiring baru ke autogate.
Pemasangan Wiring Baru
Wiring dilindungan di dalam paip PVC supaya tidak terdedah kepada kesan matahari dan hujan.
troubleshoot trip problem – MCB openpemasangan wiring baru untuk auto gatewiring auto gate baru ditutup dengan paip PVC putih
Kos Pemasangan Wiring Baru
Pemasangan mengambil masa selama 4 jam setengah.
Jumlah kos untuk pasang wiring baru: RM310.
Nombor Telefon Wireman Yang Memperbaiki Wiring Rumah Saya
Saya sangat mengesyorkan wireman ini kerana mereka menepati masa dan kerja yang berkualiti. Selain itu senang hendak berkomunikasi dengan mereka.
Every time there was electricity blackout, I couldn’t open my auto gate because its backup battery was out of power. It is time to replace it with new one. At first I thought it was difficult.
Actually it is easy, just need to buy the new battery and plug the new battery and it works. Before plugging new battery, it is recommended you switch off your auto gate MCB first.
Check your old battery voltage and current. Please make sure you buy same voltage and current.
I Tested The Voltage is Same As Old Battery
Auto Gate MCB is off then Unplug The Old Backup Battery
Switch off the Auto Gate MCB.
identify rcd mcbinstallation of new auto gate backup battery in progress
Test the Backup Battery
replace with new auto gate backup batteryauto gate position properly the new backup battery