Faizul Ridzuan Far Capital Webinar Sunday Session – How To Get Property 40% Below Market

I joined Faizul Ridzuan webinar from Far Capital on 25th July 2021. The webinar is about how to get property 30%-40% below market. The webinar is organized via Zoom and it is free to join.

It starts at 9:15PM and end around 1030PM. If you want to be a client, you have to stay longer.

This is my second time to join. The topic is interesting on how to get property 30-40% below market.

Far Capital claims that they have 16,000 clients.

I realize Faizul Ridzuan webinar doesn’t have same topic every week.

The webinar is segmented into 4 parts

  1. Introduction of who is Faizul Ridzuan.
  2. Presentation on property price, value and evaluation of good or bad discount by Faizul.
  3. Testimonial from Far Capital clients who are successfully investing in properties via Far Capital.
  4. If you are interested, you can stay on to listen more on Far Capital package offering.

Presentation on How To Get Property Below Market

faizul ridzuan webinar - how to get propery below market summary
faizul ridzuan webinar – how to get propery below market summary

Major take away points

  1. Understand difference between price and value.
  2. Price is just opinion from different stakeholders, the final price or value is from valuers and bankers.
  3. Different valuers and banks have different valuations.
  4. Don’t be fooled by discount or GRR. Evaluate properly based on 7 criteria.
  5. Buy property below median price.
  6. You can get below median price by bulk purchase.
  7. You can do bulk purchase if you are client of Far Capital.
fairuz ridzuan webinar - price vs value
fairuz ridzuan webinar – price vs value
far capital webinar - moo point or cow opinion
far capital webinar – moo point or cow opinion
far capital webinar - different valuation for same property
far capital webinar – different valuation for same property
fairuz ridzuan webinar - case study cyberjaya property
fairuz ridzuan webinar – case study cyberjaya property
fairuz ridzuan webinar - GRR trap
fairuz ridzuan webinar – GRR trap
fairuz ridzuan webinar - case study petaling jaya property near paradigm mall
fairuz ridzuan webinar – case study petaling jaya property near paradigm mall
fairuz ridzuan webinar - case study 2 petaling jaya property
fairuz ridzuan webinar – case study 2 petaling jaya property

fairuz ridzuan webinar - 7 criteria of choosing the right proprty
fairuz ridzuan webinar – 7 criteria of choosing the right proprty
fairuz ridzuan webinar - pyramid of getting property below market price
fairuz ridzuan webinar – pyramid of getting property below market price
fairuz ridzuan webinar - summary of how to get property below market
fairuz ridzuan webinar – summary of how to get property below market

Testimonials from Investors who bought more than 10 properties

far capital webinar - testimonial from property investors who bought more than 10 properties
far capital webinar – testimonial from property investors who bought more than 10 properties
  1. Irfan – doctor – 23 properties
  2. Ikwan – work with TNB – 13 properties
  3. Syahir – financial advisor – 14 properties
  4. Syah – government servant – 10 properties

Testimonials from Real Estate Negotiator who buys listing from Far Capital

fairuz ridzuan webinar - testimonial from real estate agent buying properties from far capital
fairuz ridzuan webinar – testimonial from real estate agent buying properties from far capital

The agents said that they buy properties from Far Capital as it is much cheaper than buying from their own real estate agency.

The Investors Facebook page


Far Capital Client Package

Limited time offer package.

  • Lite: RM1,999
  • Premium: RM4,388
far capital premiun and lite package
far capital premiun and lite package
far capital package FAQ
far capital package FAQ


  • I’m not Far Capital client.
  • I don’t plan to be their client in this near future.
  • I’m just sharing information.

D’Rimba Kota Damansara Selangor Management Office Operating Hours & Contact

Drimba Kota Damansara Selangor Management Office – operating hours and contact number.

Operating Hours:

Monday – Friday: 9:00AM – 5:00PM
Saturday: 9:00AM – 1:00PM
Sunday & Public holidays: Closed

Telephone: 03 7491 4713


drimba kota damansara selangor management office operating hours
drimba kota damansara selangor management office operating hours
drimba kota damansara selangor contact number
drimba kota damansara selangor contact number
drimba kota damansara selangor management account bank
drimba kota damansara selangor management account bank


16 Real Reasons Why Colonel Gaddafi was Killed

I found this article on Facebook and I know before reading this article about the good things done by Col Gaddafi for his people but the western countries always say negative things about him.
I never believed the stories by western media because I know if they say something bad about other people is for them to do regime change for their own interest. Western is known as colonialist who destroyed the country they colonized.
Shockingly, we people at developing countries still believe in what they say.

16 Real Reasons Why Colonel Gaddafi was Killed

1. There was no electricity bill in Libya, electricity was free for all its citizens during Gaddafi’s reign.
2. There was no interest on loans, banks in Libya were state-owned and loans were given to all its citizens at 0% interest by law.
3. Home considered a human right in Libya – Gaddafi vowed that his parents would not get a house until everyone in Libya had a
home. Gaddafi’s father had died while him, his wife and his mother were still living in a tent during his reign.
4. All newlyweds in Libya received $60,000 Dinar (US$ 50,000 ) by the government to buy their first apartment so to help start up
the family.
5. Education and medical treatments was free in Libya. Before Gaddafi only 25% of Libyans are literate. During his reign the figure was 83%.
6. If Libyans want to take up farming career, they received farm land, a farming house, equipment, seeds and livestock to kick- start their farms – all for free.
7. If Libyans couldn’t find the education or medical facilities they need in Libya, the government used funds them to go abroad for it – not only free but they got US $2, 300/mth accommodation and car allowance.
8. In Libyan during Gaddafi reign, if a Libyan buys a car, the government subsidized 50% of the price.
9. The price of petrol in Libya is $0. 14 per liter in Gaddafi time.
10. Libya had no external debt and its reserves amounted to $150 billion – now frozen globally.
11. If a Libyan was unable to get employment after graduation the state would pay the average salary of the profession as if he or she is employed until
employment is found.
12. A portion of Libyan oil sale was, credited directly to the bank accounts of all Libyan citizens.
13. A mother who gave birth to a child received US $5 ,000
14. 40 loaves of bread in Libya costed $ 0.15 during Gaddafi’s reign.
15. 25% of Libyans had a university degree , during Gaddafi reign.
16. Gaddafi carried out the world’s largest irrigation project, known as the Great Man- Made River project, to make water readily available throughout the desert country.
If this is called “Dictatorship” I wonder what type of Leadership Democrats have.

How To Reduce Your Al Rajhi Housing Loan Principal

If you have extra money and want to reduce your housing loan principal with Al Rajhi bank, below are the steps.

Steps to Reduce Housing Loan Principal

al rajhi housing loan reduce principal form
al rajhi housing loan reduce principal form
  1. Fill up the form provided by Al-Rajhi Bank
    – the amount to reduce principal
    – your saving account number with Al Rajhi (underline after “For Dossier”)
    – your housing loan account number
    – your address, date and identification number
    – sign the letter
  2. Send the filled up form to to customersupport@alrajhibank.com.my.
  3. Ensure the amount is in your Al Rajhi bank account.
  4. Ensure Al Rajhi provide you with acknowledgement.
  • The amount to reduce must be more than your monthly installment.
  • It takes 7 working days to process
al rajhi acknowledgment principal has been reduced
al rajhi acknowledgment principal has been reduced

This information is verified as of 14th July2021. I have done 2 times pre-payment or reducing my principal using this method.

My Covid-19 Vaccination Journey at KLCC Convention Centre

I had my covid-19 vaccination 1st dose on 9th July 2021 at KLCC Convention Centre. I got Sinovac for my vaccine jab.

It was really smooth journey and took less than 1 hour to get it done.

The Steps to get your Vaccination Jab

  1. Fill up form to declare any sickness or allergy (without signing the form)
  2. To verify your identification and work related
  3. To confirm on all your sickness if you got allergy or sickness waiting time after the jab is 30mn if not it is only 15mn
  4. Get the jab – you don’t feel anything when the needle is injected
  5. Waiting time to check whether you have allergic or no

Location to Fill in the form

  • Pen is provided
KLCC Convention - Covid Vaccination Centre - 1st stop - Fill up form
KLCC Convention – Covid Vaccination Centre – 1st stop – Fill up form
Covid Vaccination Form
Covid Vaccination Form

You will receive  a ticket, to be called in to verify your identification

KLCC Convention Centre - Covid Vaccination Centre - 2nd Stop - Identification verification
KLCC Convention Centre – Covid Vaccination Centre – 2nd Stop – Identification verification

Confirming whether you have sickness or no, then go to the jab room

KLCC Convention Centre - Covid Vaccination Centre - 3rd stop - verify your declaration
KLCC Convention Centre – Covid Vaccination Centre – 3rd stop – verify your declaration

The needle is quite small

KLCC Convention Centre - Covid Vaccination Centre - 4th stop - get the jab
KLCC Convention Centre – Covid Vaccination Centre – 4th stop – get the jab

Waiting area after getting the jab to see whether you have allergic sympton

KLCC Convention Centre - Covid Vaccination Centre - 5th stop - wait for 15mn if any allergic symptons
KLCC Convention Centre – Covid Vaccination Centre – 5th stop – wait for 15mn if any allergic symptons

Free Gift from KPJ

  • mineral water
  • hand sanitizer
  • pen
free gift from KPJ at KLCC convention centre
free gift from KPJ at KLCC convention centre

Side Effect

I had nothing much side effect only a bit hurt on the arm after few hours.

Semak Cukai Taksiran Majlis Perbandaran Bentong Pahang

Memandangkan MCO agak susah nak dapatkan cukai taksiran, jadi terpaksa semak cukai taksiran online. Majlis Perbandaran Bentong, Pahang menyediakan perkhidmatan semakan cukai taksiran online melalui mobile aplikasi PahangGo

Mula-mula muat turun aplikasi PahangGo.

majlis perbandaran bentong cukai taksiran website
majlis perbandaran bentong cukai taksiran website

Selepas itu, buka aplikasi PahangGo kemudian klik Pay

semak cukai taksiran majlis perbandaran bentong - klik pay pahang go
semak cukai taksiran majlis perbandaran bentong – klik pay pahang go

Pilih Majlis Perbandaran Bentong

semak cukai taksiran - majlis perbandaran bentong - pahang go
semak cukai taksiran – majlis perbandaran bentong – pahang go

Pilih Assessment Tax

semak cukai taksiran majlis perbandaran bentong pahang go - assessment tax
semak cukai taksiran majlis perbandaran bentong pahang go – assessment tax

Selepas Memasukkan Akaun Cukai Taksiran Anda, Maklumat Bil Cukai Taksiran Akan Dipaparkan

semak cukai taksiran - majlis perbandaran bentong - pahang
semak cukai taksiran – majlis perbandaran bentong – pahang
semak cukai taksiran majlis perbandaran bentong pahang go - bill terperinci
semak cukai taksiran majlis perbandaran bentong pahang go – bill terperinci


Selepas Membuat Bayaran, Status Bil Cukai Taksiran ke “Paid”

semak cukai taksiran majlis perbandaran bentong pahang go - paid bills
semak cukai taksiran majlis perbandaran bentong pahang go – paid bills

Faizul Ridzuan Far Capital Webinar Sunday Session

I joined Faizul Ridzuan webinar from Far Capital on 11th July 2021. The webinar is about how to be financial literacy via property investment. The webinar is organized via Zoom and it is free to join.

Around 6,000++ people joined the webinar.

It starts at 9:15PM and end around 1030PM. If you want to be a client, you have to stay longer.

The webinar is segmented into 4 parts

  1. Introduction of who is Faizul Ridzuan.
  2. Presentation on debts and and financial way to overcome it by Faizul.
  3. Testimonial from Far Capital clients who are successfully overcome the debts problems.
  4. If you are interested, you can stay on to listen more on Far Capital package offering.

Financial Presentation by Faizul

Points presented are brief and easy to understand.

faizul ridzuan far capital - webinar - options dealing with debt
faizul ridzuan far capital – webinar – options dealing with debt
faizul ridzuan far capital webinar - success story hustle income
faizul ridzuan far capital webinar – success story hustle income

Testimonials from Far Capital Clients

Real clients from Far Capital telling their debts problems and how Far Capital methods help them overcome their financial problems.

One is a doctor who has lots of debts and another one is a pilot who lost his jobs but thanks to Far Capital methods able to save his financial.

faizul ridzuan far capital webinar - testimonial from his clients
faizul ridzuan far capital webinar – testimonial from his clients

Package offered by Far Capital

Their fees are from RM2,888 (Lite) to RM4,899 (Premium) before discount.

I’m also not sure what the packages consists of.

faizul ridzuan far capital telegram group
faizul ridzuan far capital telegram group
faizul ridzuan far capital client fees
faizul ridzuan far capital client fees


  • I found the presentation is quite basic but suitable for beginners or someone who learns faster from briefing or presentation.
  • Of course to get more advance knowledge, you have to be his client which I thin is normal because there is no free lunch.
  • Anyway, I prefer reading books as it covers more in depth of property investments and if I don’t understand I just reread it with my own pace.
  • Furthermore, I ‘m not willing to fork out RM2,888 just to be a client because for me buying books are cheaper and I’m kind of person who prefer learning from books  rather than from person.
  • Will I join again his webinar? Maybe if the topic covers interesting points.

How To Apply Online IPO (Initial Public Offering) in Malaysia via Maybank2u

You can easily apply IPO (initial public offering) via Maybank2u.

  • Login to Maybank2u
  • Select Investment
  • Click Apply now on eIPO
maybank e ipo investment - apply now
maybank e ipo investment – apply now
  • Fill in your information
  • Select IPO you want to buy
maybank e ipo - list of ipo
maybank e ipo – list of ipo
  • Fill in the number of units you want to buy (it is by 100 unit)
  • Then click submit
  • Maybank will automatically deduct your account based on amount that you buy. There is no commission fee like buying shares at Bursa Malaysia
  • If not successfully, you will get full refund
  • In my case, I failed to get CTOS IPO shares.


maybank e ipo - apply of 100 units
maybank e ipo – apply of 100 units

Python Circular Import Error if Import CSV or Pandas read_csv

I faced issue of circular import error when import CSV or pandas to read cvs file.
My python file name is csv.py

To rectify this is very easy. Ensure your file name is not CSV. If file name is CVS it will cause circular import.

Circular Import when file name is csv.py

python import csv or pandas cause circular import
python import csv or pandas cause circular import

No more circular import error when file name change to csv-reader.py

python import csv or pandas caused circular import if file name is csv
python import csv or pandas caused circular import if file name is csv