PHP is not running after upgrade MacOS Big Sur on Apple Macbook Pro M1

Another problem I always face after upgrading MacOS where PHP is not running anymore. I have to google to find solution. Now I decided to write step by step tutorial so easy for my future reference and hopefully can help others who face the same thing.

1) My phpMyAdmin instead of showing login page, it displays its PHP code.

Macos Bigsur upgrade php not running
Macos Bigsur upgrade php not running

2) Uncomment PHP Module

Open httpd.conf

Find php by typing

Remove # to uncomment the PHP module.

remove # from load module php
remove # from load module php

Save the changes by typing

3) Restart Apache

4) Refresh the PHP page

macos big sur php running again after change httpd conf
macos big sur php running again after change httpd conf

Apple Macbook Pro M1 MacOS Big Sur – Missing xcrun after MacOS Update

I always face missing xcrun when I use command “git pull” after MacOS update where the OS will update xcode.

apple macbook pro M1 - missing xcrun
apple macbook pro M1 – missing xcrun

To solve this problem just install back the xcode-select via the command line.

A window will appear whether to continue to install. Just click install.

apple macbook pro M1 - install xcode-select
apple macbook pro M1 – install xcode-select

It takes around 5 minutes to download the file.

apple macbook pro M1 - download xcode select
apple macbook pro M1 – download xcode select

After installation, run again the “git pull” . This time it will work.

apple macbook pro M1 git pull success
apple macbook pro M1 git pull success

Apple Macbook Pro M1 – Auto Change Brightness

Every time I use my Apple Macbook Pro M1 the brightness is automatically changed. It becomes very dimmed when I use the Macbook while on battery power.

Found the solution in Apple forum and put the steps in screenshots for easy for troubleshooting for other Macbooks users.

1) Go to battery preferences

apple macbook pro M1 - battery preference
apple macbook pro M1 – battery preference

2) If your Slightly dim the display while on battery power is checked, please uncheck it.

apple macbook pro M1 - checked slightly dim the display
apple macbook pro M1 – checked slightly dim the display
apple macbook pro M1 uncheck slightly dim the display
apple macbook pro M1 uncheck slightly dim the display

Apple Macbook Pro M1 chip Fail to Play My iPhone Games Doorman Story

I bought an Apple Macbook Pro M1 in 2nd week of December, 202o. I was excited because know it can play iPad or iPhone games thanks to M1 chip which is similar like iPhone and iPad ARM chip.

At first after downloading my favorite game Doorman Story, I could play it.

apple macbook pro M1 downloaded iphone game
apple macbook pro M1 downloaded iphone game
apple macbook pro M1 - crash while playing iphone game
apple macbook pro M1 – crash while playing iphone game

When I wanted to play second time, it produced error as shown in the image. Second time here means, I switched off my Macbook Pro then on it again.

apple macbook pro M1 error in playing iphone games
apple macbook pro M1 error in playing iphone games

It is really frustrating as the game won’t load even after few on and off the MacBook. Even after re-installing it doesn’t work.  I haven’t try other iPad or iPhone app though.