At Last, both Deef & Lish Can Ride 2 Wheels Bicycle

I am happy on 18/11/2018, both my kids Deef & Lish can ride 2 wheel bicycle.

Deef persistent by keep trying, less talking and focus on learning making him able to cycle 2 wheels quite fast. Within 2-3 weeks, he was able to ride on 2 wheels.

Lish talked more than trying to ride and overthink made her learning longer than Deef. When she saw Deef successfully rides 2 wheels she started to focus and trying more.

Lish never give up attitude even after suffered few bruises made her success more sweet.



Arrival of Maid i-Kad – after long delay

Refer to my earlier post in September 2018

Finally by end of December 2018 i received maid i-Kad. Took them 3 months to print the card – reason given ‘ too many card to print’ and ‘earlier problem with printing machine’

What i did at my end to ensure card are delivered to us;

  1. write an email to Print Nasional and provide with the complete information of the permit and cc-ed email to main service provide. (myeg)
  2. Do follow up call to customer Print Nasional customer service center for status. (few times)
  3. Comment on MYEG facebook account and got their respond through Private messaging.
  4. Request them to courier card to home. Reject options for pick up. That what intention MYEG – less hassle service for.

Speak louder than word. Actions make things happen. – these two quotes applied.

Voila… got our card!!!



Cara membuat;

  1. Air rebusan ayam / chicken stock
  2. Rempah Kari (Adabi / Babas)
  3. Bawang Putih, Halia dan Lengkuas (blend together)
  4. Cili boh
  5. Asam Gelugor
  6. Daun Kari
  7. Kentang (rebus dan lecek)
  8. garam dan serbuk lada sulah
  9. santan
  10. fishball dan fishcake

Tumis bahan yang telah diblend atau tumbuk sehingga kekuningan (3) kemudian masukkan cili boh dan rempah kari. Tumis api sederhana sehingga pecah minyak. Campurkan sedikit garam dan serbuk lada sulah

Masukkan air rebusan ayam beserta ayam – bahagian tulang (manakala carik bahagian isi ayam yg telah direbus tadi dan simpan / asingkan) .

Masukkan udang, fishball, fishcake, santan , kentang yang telah dilecet bagi memastikan kepekatan kuah (kacau perlahan sehingga mendidih)

Penyediaan bahan-bahan lain mee kari

  1. Mee Kuning (basuh, bilas dan tos)
  2. cili besar (hiris halus)
  3. daun sup (mayang)
  4. daun bawang (mayang)
  5. Telur (rebus dan potong 4)
  6. tauhu (goreng bersama garam kunyit dan potong petak kecil)
  7. ayam rebus dicarik
  8. limau nipis (potong untuk perahan)
  9. taugeh

Cara Makan / Hidang

Campurkan semua bahan-bahan mee kari dan letakkan kuah. Done!!

yummy mee kari