MSSD Archery 2024 – For Petaling Perdana

First time my son attended MSSD Archery for Petaling Perdana under U10 category.

He plays archery since 2023 at SKBJ (Sekolah Kebangsaan Bukit Jelutong) but only get serious in last 2 weeks of June 2024 to get ready for MSSD Petaling Perdana on 1st July 2024.

mssd selangor u10 -warming up
mssd selangor u10 -warming up

The Competition


Under Individual boys started on 1st July.

It has Qualification Round (QR) and Olympic Round (OR). QR every archer has to shoot for 2 round and each round consists of 6N meaning 6 arrows per N.

mssd selangor u10 - getting ready
mssd selangor u10 – getting ready
mssd selangor u10 - shooting
mssd selangor u10 – shooting
mssd selangor u10 - girls student from sm shah alam giving motivation to hadien
mssd selangor u10 – girls student from sm shah alam giving motivation to hadien


MSSD made the grouping based on individual scores within the same school.

The groups competition happened fifth day which was on 5th July 2024.

mssd selangor u10 - carrying equipments etc
mssd selangor u10 – carrying equipment etc
mssd selangor u10 - group competition
mssd selangor u10 – group competition
mssd selangor u10 group competition - warming up
mssd selangor u10 group competition – warming up
mssd selangor u10 group competition - getting ready
mssd selangor u10 group competition – getting ready

Competition Result


For individual he got no 34 with 260 points.

mssd selangor u10 - hadien no 34
mssd selangor u10 – hadien no 34


My son only able to win number four for group competition and if not mistaken the organizer gave medal for number four starting this year.

mssd selangor u10 - group result
mssd selangor u10 – group result

Overall Archery MSSD Petaling Perdana 2024 Result

mssd selangor u10 group competition - got number 4
mssd selangor u10 group competition – got number 4

Very Good Experience

For me it was a good experience for my son as he needed to learn to be cool, had strong endurance and to be fast as you need to shoot fast for group competition due to limited time.


Peraturan Jika Berlaku Gangguan Air Berjadual

Di Selangor ini telah banyak berlaku gangguan bekalan air yang agak lama sehingga 2 ke 3 hari. Air tangki saya hanya bertahan penggunaan selama dua hari jika guna air seperti biasa.
Saya dah standby letak air di dalam tong air di porch rumah saya. Setiap kali ada gangguan bekalan air akan letak air di dalam baldi kat tandas.
Untuk menjimatkan air semasa gangguan bekalan air berjadual, saya telah membuat peraturan untuk seisi keluarga.


1) Tidak boleh mandi guna water pump, nak air laju mandi di toilet bawah
2) Kalau buang air kecil, guna air baldi, siram dengan dua kali gayung
3) Kalau nak buang air besar, guna toilet bawah, jangan on water pump
4) Jangan siram bunga
5) Berus gigi guna air baldi
6) Jangan basuh baju, hantar ke dobi
7) Tidak perlu masak
8) Minum air sejuk ambil air dari botol air dalam fridge (ambil siap-siap air dari coway masuk dalam botol dan letak dalam fridge)
9) Ambil wudhu dari baldi, letak dalam gayung

Repair Grill Wheel Drop Due To Misaligned Railing

My grill wheel drops from the grill due to misaligned railing after 11 years of use.

To repair it, need to align back the railing and welding at certain places to ensure the railing is not misaligned again.

green is the railing while blue is gap between railing and grill frame
green is the railing while blue is gap between railing and grill frame

In the video, it shows before and after repair.

How To Repair It

removed the grill door
removed the grill door
welding cathode position
welding cathode position
testing railing is correctly aligned
testing railing is correctly aligned
testing railing is correctly aligned
testing railing is correctly aligned
welding the railing to its place so it doesnt move in the future
welding the railing to its place so it doesnt move in the future
put cloth cover to protect the floor from welding sparks
put cloth cover to protect the floor from welding sparks
welding few locations to make the railing stick to its place
welding few locations to make the railing stick to its place

1) Remove the grill door.
2) Align the railing, by knocking it with a wrench.
3) Welding the railing at few location to avoid it is misaligned in the future.
4) Clean the welding spark debris to make the railing is smooth for grill wheels.
5) Install back the grill door.

My Contractor Details:

Name: Rudy
Telephone: 011 3310 8757

Cat Semula Grille Yang Telah Berkarat

Saya mula pasang grille belakang rumah pada April 2013. Selepas 11 tahun, cat grille nampak lusuh dan berkarat.

Untuk memastikan karat sampai rosakkan grille saya cat semula grille dengan menggunakan Nippon Paint pada 18 Mei 2024.

Harga cat Nippon Paint 1 liter ialah RM48.

Saya pilih Nippon Paint kerana cat yang pekat jadi bila sapu agak mudah dan cepat untuk mengecat kesemua grille.

Pada bulan Mei saya banyak mengecat besi-besi yang dah berkarat untuk memastikan besi-besi ini boleh dipakai lagi lama.

Contoh seperti mengecat semula pagar rumah.

grille yang telah dicat warna putih guna nippon paint
grille yang telah dicat warna putih guna nippon paint
grille yang masih karat belum dicat
grille yang masih karat belum dicat
nampak cantik selepas dicat
nampak cantik selepas dicat

Welding Experimentation On Rusty Iron, Painted Iron & Naked Iron

I tried few irons to know whether I can weld it using electric welding machine.

I tried on rusty iron, painted iron and naked iron.

Please look at the video below to see the results.

Rusty Iron

I can’t weld on rusty iron because the electricity cannot circulate due to the rust. You have to remove the rust in order the welding rod can touch the iron.

Painted Iron

Same goes for painted iron, I can’t weld it. So you have to remove first the paint where you want to do the welding.

Naked Iron

It works without problem.

Maybank Property Fire Insurance Where to Send Your Fire Certificate?

I received reminder from Maybank for my property fire insurance. I already paid to my JMB if I don’t give to Maybank they will purchase it to me.

I totally forgot about this.

Where To Send Your Property Fire Insurance if You Took Maybank Housing Loan

You can send or fax the fire certificate to below details:


Fax: 03-78421077

Address: Fire Insurance Unit, Credit Administration Central Consumer, Ground Floor, Lot 12, Jalan Astaka U8/84, Bukit Jelutong, 40150, Shah Alam

Why Wall Mounted Aluminium Retractable Cloth Hanger Unable To Close Properly?

I couldn’t close my wall mounted retractable cloth hanger due to this my house parking space becomes smaller. I wanted to throw it away and just buy new one.

wall mounted aluminium retractable cloth hanger - unable to close
wall mounted aluminium retractable cloth hanger – unable to close

Why This Happens?

Over the years from heat and rain, the width among the rods are not even and making the retractable cloth hanger to close closely to the wall and it is quite hard to push back the hanger near to the wall.

wall mounted aluminium retractable cloth hanger - unable to close due to different width of each rod
wall mounted aluminium retractable cloth hanger – unable to close due to different width of each rod

How To Fix It?

You just need to adjust the width among the rods by widening its width.

After Fixing, I can close the Hanger Close to the Wall

wall mounted aluminium retractable cloth hanger - able to close properly
wall mounted aluminium retractable cloth hanger – able to close properly

Stanley Random Orbital Sander – Replace its Velcro

I have Stanley Random Orbital Sander, its velcro was detached from its pad. So I need to replace it and bought the new velcro at Chin Chun Sungai Buloh.

How To Replace?

I just need to remove the 4 screws and then put the new velcro pad and screw everything back. It was quite easy.

stanley random orbital sander replacing with new velcro
stanley random orbital sander replacing with new velcro
stanley random orbital sander after removing old velcro
stanley random orbital sander after removing old velcro
stanley sander after removing old velcro
stanley sander after removing old velcro


The new velcro pad cost RM35. I thought I was cheap.

Where To Buy?

Chin Chun Hardware Location

Ikea Hemnes Drawers Price & Assembly

I bought an Ikea Hemnes drawers on 28th April 2024 at Ikea Damansara. The price is RM1,599. I found it a bit expensive with its simple design but it feel robust compare to other Ikea drawers.

ikea hemnes drawer price rm1559
ikea hemnes drawer price rm1559

How Long It Takes To Assemble It?

I took me nearly 7 hours to assemble it. The manual instruction is easy to follow. The most hard part for me is to nail the back cardboard.

installing ikea hemnes drawer
installing ikea hemnes drawer
installing ikea hemnes drawer malaysia
installing ikea hemnes drawer malaysia
nearly completed ikea hemnes drawer installation
nearly completed ikea hemnes drawer installation
completed installation of ikea hemnes without the drawers
completed installation of ikea hemnes without the drawers
ikea hemnes drawers complete installation
ikea hemnes drawers complete installation


Everything is good except one drawer that doesn’t move that smooth.

Why I choose Ikea Hemnes because Hemnes is one of Ikea drawers that put iron rod under the drawer to ensure the drawer is not bent over the years.

Viewnet Lowyat Warranty Claim Without Receipt

Recently my son PC couldn’t boot up. I bought it at Viewnet less than 2 years ago and I notice most of components are still under warranty.

I’m buying most of my PC now at Viewnet because I found it has cheaper price vs other shops.

I did the warranty claim without receipt because the technician able to trace back the hardware serial number to its receipt.

Send for Warranty Claim

I went to Viewnet Service Centre and the technician informed me that to do inspection they will charge RM30 not inclusive of any repair cost.

I send and left the PC at Viewnet Service Centre in the morning around 1030AM and Viewnet technician responded to me on the problem found at 630PM on same day via WhatsApp.

According to the technician, it is due to faulty Kingston SSD and fortunately it is still under warranty so I can claim warranty from manufacturer and Viewnet will do it for me.

my son pc got sdd problem
my son pc got sdd problem
viewnet lowyat service note
viewnet lowyat service note

How Much it Cost?

It costs me:

Inspection: RM30
Installation: RM80
Total: RM110

I have to pay for the installation because according to the technician the warranty claim is more than 2 years.

viewnet lowyat service fee
viewnet lowyat service fee

How Long It Takes for the Warranty Claim?

The technician informed it will take 3 to 6 weeks working day to get replacement from manufacturer.

I sent my PC on 29th April 2024 and get my PC repair on 25th May 2025 so it is nearly 4 calendar weeks.

pc collected on 25 may 2024
pc collected on 25 may 2024

Overall Satisfaction

Overall I’m happy with the support I get and Viewnet WhatsApp Service Number is responsive to any of my query.

Only thing not happy they charge me RM80 just to replace my SSD. It should be lower.

Viewnet Service WhatsApp Number: 016 336 2545