Dilemma on 2 different actions for Maid ‘Balik Kampung’ procedure.

If refer to my previous post, am still contemplating what step should i follow. Learnt from friends experiences but still undecided which should i proceed.

Buy return flight tickets only – not to bother other processes.

My concern there is chances for my helper to get in trouble when returning at Surabaya Airport since she wont be having latest ‘Kad Kartu Kerja’ 

indonesia kartu tenaga kerja luar negeri
indonesia kartu tenaga kerja luar negeri

This card can only get after having a proper contract with KBRI which she need to bring the employment contract to department of overseas employment in Indonesian for them to proceed with card printing.

I don’t want to take any risk of her unable to come back to work with us. It will cause us trouble – for her and my side too.

Proceed with Employment Contract documentations at Indonesian Embassy (KBRI)

Contacted MYEG to know minimum validity period of maid working permit to allow maid to come back working in Malaysia (without hassle), but MYEG unable to answer me and was told to contact Immigration for exact procedure.

They gave the 1MOCC number (03-8000 8000) but since forever can’t connect me to Putrajaya Immigration (Bahagian Pembantu Rumah Asing). I was given direct number to call at 03-8880 1463 or 03-8880 11468 but no one pick up the line. 

They advised me to personally go to immigration counter for clearer process and documentation. Immigration counter for Pembantu Rumah Asing only available in three locations; Putrajaya, Shah Alam and Jalan Duta (03-6205 7500 ext 1204/7479)

One day managed to chat with helpful 1MOCC officer on the procedure, she advises for me to proceed with employment contract at KBRI. Need to take 1 day on the process and next day for collection. It is faster compared to renew visa. So she shared the KBRI number (03-2116 4016 or 03-2116 4017) for me to ask further.

From KBRI update i need to do employment contract. Just bring the documentation and maid must follow together on that day. Procedure not much different from what i did back in 2013. https://www.awesomegrasp.com/process-for-indonesian-maid-balik-kampung/

Let my pass through and highlight if there is any changes.

As long im not troubling my helper to get back might as well i do the right way… wish me luck!