The longest term for passport you can have is maximum of 5 years. So 5 years it is … the hassle that i need to overcome – of all tedious process for my Indonesian Maid passport renewal.
This round ‘year 2019’ am a bit relieved knowing that they have simplify the processes but still after i jadi mangsa dulu… 🙁
If you want to reduce hassle may take one or two tips i share down here >>
At first I went to embassy to proceed with renewal of employment contract ( but noticed lots of people queuing at door 1.
Some of them were not allow to go in for passport renewal because they didn’t have queue number “angka giliran’.
haha… nasib i observe surrounding. Mula lah gabra.. ehh how to get that number, and yang silapnya ‘ulat-ulat’ kat tepi tu mula approach i….. Kak kalau mau no gilirannya saya boleh tolong dapatkan… sekarang tiada nombor sudah lagi sebulan baru nombor ada. Kena cepat dapatkan nombor … hmm apelagi panik la.. nanti kalau tak dapat dah satu hal maid nak balik kampung passport kena perbaharui.
Kitorang pun macam anak itik ikut diorang kat kedai bebetul tepi parking exit tu. Diorang berlakon ala-ala busy mintak dokumen, depan PC, konon ambil gambar maid guna handphone submit online. Bayar RM70 okay!!!
Rupanya you need to register online to get queue number. Balik rumah try google… alahai.. boleh buat sendiri online .. and its free… omg! (tepuk dahi).. bape ramai la mangsa dorang tadi. modus operandi cakap no dah habis… dorang ada reserve number. Bengong pergi percaya buat apa.
Embassy won’t allow any walk in visitors/ guests/ employer without queue number to enter. Dont dream they let you in … go home and get your appointment date online. You have to come on the right scheduled date and time with printed QR Code.
How to register for Queue Number?
Actually you can register yourself here
I do fake registration and upload gambar ikan bilis pun dapat no giliran … haihhh…. memamg bulat-bulat leh kena kelentong.
Fill in completely from step 1-4
You can choose available date and time for them to release the queue no. This is good to avoid over crowd.
This notification paper i saw when we went inside for passport renewal ya… ;0
Here are some catatan after you successfully registered;
- Pemohon wajib mengisi data diri yang benar;
- Pemohon wajib membawa pensyaratan yang ditentukan;
- Pemohon wajib menunjukkan bukti booking antrian online;
- Pemohon wajib datang sesuai Jadwal minimal 15 menit sebelum jam yang dipilih;
- Pemohon tidak akan dilayani apabila lewat tanggal maupun jam yang telah ditentukan;
- Pemohon tidak akan dilayani apabila tidak memenuhi pensyaratan yang ditentukan;
- Pemohon langsung mengambil nomor antrian foto paspor dengan QRCode yang telah dikirimkan melalui email dan menuju ruang tunggu Antrian Pemohon Online.
Thats all…