Getting Maid Insured (Protection Plan)

Nowadays having an insurance coverage really important due to rising cost of medical and hospitalisations.

People buy medical & hospitalisation or life insurance policy for themselves, parents and kids normally due to an awareness of getting self covered and protected financially in case anything happen to the bread winner of family members. It can at least help to ease burden in term of medical cost or upon death leaving your loved one with some money (settle your debts)

There are time also when we plan for overseas holiday trip we tend to forget that buying Travel Insurance is a must. There was a lot of cases and stories circulated in social media of other family suffering when their members fall sicked while overseas and cant afford to pay – reasons of high medical cost , high in currency exchange or different countries policy to bring back the deceased.

Same goes for the maid – employer, we need to get our maid insured so that can ease burden if anything happen. Off course no one want bad thing to happen .. 😉

For all this while, information or advertisement on Maid Insurance didn’t came across my eyeballs .. except one – RHB Maid Insurance.

So i bought this easy grab one policy.. seriously easy to apply. You can do it online or just purchase policy at any Pos Malaysia office.

RHB Maid Insurance Plan (PA)

Make sure bring a copy of proposer/ employer ID and Maid Passport to submit together with the application form. After make payment they will give you a policy cover note and within few days RHB will post to your house the printed policy. Easier as ever.

On the other, on PERKESO Maid Insurance … yet to get info for that .. :0

Here sample of application form obtain from call center

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