Resipi Ayam atau Mutton Stuffing for Taco, Wraps or Burritos


Tortillas Wrap
Tortillas Wrap

Bahan – Bahan:

  1.  Bawang besar (potong dadu)
  2. Bawang putih (mayang halus)
  3. cili blend / cili boh
  4. rempah kari + serbuk cili + air (mix)
  5. jintan putih
  6. Serbuk ketumbar
  7. parsley herb
  8. white pepper + salt
  9. perasa: sos tomato, sos cili, kicap and tiram.
  10. Minced mutton atau ayam cincang.


Herbs - parsley, cumin, coriander
Herbs – parsley, cumin, coriander

Tumis macam biasa bahan-bahan di atas mengikut turutan nombor dimana akhir sekali adalah meletakkan ayam atau mutton minced sehingga bahan utama protein tersebut masak secukupnya.

Side filling / toppings

Preparation for Taco fillings
Preparation for Taco fillings
  1. capsicum
  2. japanese cucumber
  3. carrot
  4. shredded cheese
  5. lettuce
  6. rocket leaf
  7. Baby tomato
  8. Thousand island sauce
  9. Honey Mustard

(you can choose to slice match size or any size you prefer)

preheat Taco shells in oven
preheat Taco shells in oven
Baked shredded cheese till melt before putting veggies
Baked shredded cheese till melt before putting veggies

you can choose any type of – WRAPS/ BURRITO / TORTILLAS / CORN WRAPS (TACO) mengikut selera. Since my youngest son been dreaming eating TACO… so i made few options because my 2nd son prefer to eat Burritos.



Readymade Taco Shells
Readymade Taco Shells

Lain orang lain kesukaan tetapi yang penting you can just made one time cook for the same fillings.

Chicken and Mutton Burritos
Chicken and Mutton Burritos


buritos kambing
buritos kambing