Selenium – This version of ChromeDriver only supports Chrome version 85 error on Ubuntu

ubuntu This version of ChromeDriver only supports Chrome version 85 error

I use Selenium web driver to scrap some website data that I need for my property analysis. In this case I use chromedriver.

When I want to run it after I upgraded my Chrome browser on Ubuntu I found this error.

My steps to resolve this

1) Check my Chrome browser version and found it is 87.

google browser version
google browser version

2) Check my chromedriver version by typing

ubuntu check chromedriver version
ubuntu check chromedriver version

I found my version is 85 not same as my browser.

3) Check the location of the chrome driver by typing

In my case I found my chrome driver at /usr/local/sbin

chrome driver location on ubuntu
chrome driver location on ubuntu

4) Download the latest chromedriver at

Google ChromeDriver Website  till version 114

5) After extracting the latest chromedriver, replace the old one.

ubuntu replace old chromedriver
ubuntu replace old chromedriver

Then when I run back my program, it works!