How to add on mobile internet for postpaid Celcom

I have been subscribing for Celcom plan with 10GB data (5Gb weekend + 5Gb weekend) for few years back, since using this plan never reached to 100% of my weekdays internet quota. At work i used office LAN internet access and back home just ride on our home WIFI. All this while couldn’t care less on my internet accessibility, data or quota.

Surprisingly, after back to work from my 2 weeks Raya Holiday,  i received SMS notifications;

You’ve reached 100% of your Weekday Internet Quota. Get more Internet and continue to surf non-stop with Celcom Mobile.

I believed during 2 weeks away from home most of the time im using data to accessed web, apps,waze, socmed, CCTV, emails, websites, whatsapp call and messaging.

I have 3 more days of the weekdays before reaching to my billing cycle. Mobile internet is so important nowadays especially on working days to use waze, check & reply emails also using apps.

There is an options for celcom postpaid user to add on internet mobile.  once subscribed the data usage is subject to completion or before reaching to my next billing cycle which means in 3 days if not completed the quota will lost.

Easy steps to subscribed for add on, just dial in *118#


you will received below messages to choose;

Choose 2 – Buy internet


Choose 2 – Internet Add on


There are few options available for you to choose on GB

i choose add on for 5GB


Charges for 5GB internet is RM20

rm20 for 5GB


final step