Aircond Blows Hot Air
My Panasonic aircond recently just blowed hot air. I have Panasonic EcoNavi 1.5HP model CS-CU12PKH.
I asked my regular serviceman to check it. According to him, the compressor was broken and suggested to change to another compressor or new aircond which cost a whopping RM2,000. My Panasonic aircond is just 5 years old and I service it regularly.
Finding The Right Serviceman
I didn’t believe because the way he explained was not convincing and the way he checked didn’t have step by step troubleshooting. Furthermore if compressor is broken, the power will trip.
So I had to check for second opinion with many aircond servicemen. I explained the symptoms where the aircond blowed hot air, all the LED didn’t show any red lights but sometimes if I switch on the aircond it is cold but water was dripping.
To my dismay most of them couldn’t detect what possibly the aircond problems. They wanted to check and will charge me for going to my house if I didn’t replace any parts.
I personally doesn’t have confidence in them because for me if you are expert you could possibly have some hypothesis what went wrong.
Found The Solution
Fortunately I contacted Aircond Tech which I got their contact from Mudah.My. I explained to them the symptoms and they were able to zoom that possibly the sensor is broken. So I gave it a try and asked them to come to my house.
Aircond Tech came to my house and replaced my Panasonic aircond sensor and voila! It works. Now cold air is coming out.

Total repair cost is RM120 with 2 weeks warranty.
Observing The Outcome
Now I’m observing the repair works whether it is totally repaired. I notice that the aircond fan quiet strong and it keeps blowing cold air even though it is cold already. Last time, the aircond fan would slow down if the temperature is cold to the set temperature.
Nearly after 2 weeks, the aircond doesnt produce any cold air anymore. Again, I contacted Zul telling the problem. According to the technician possibly it is the capacitor this time.
So after replacing the capacitor the aircond becomes cold again!

But I feel uncomfortable to replace two parts in short time. I am wondering whether the sensor is really broken or actually it is the capacitor is broken at first place.
Total Cost of Repair
Sensor: RM120
Capacitor: RM120
Total: RM240
Panasonic Copper Sensor cost RM15 at Shopee
Panasonic Aircond Model CS-CU12PKH

Tel: 60 11-1604 7175 (Zul)