Badminton Elite Club Sekolah Kebangsaan Bukit Jelutong

SKBJ Badminton Elite Club Warming Up

Since early this year, my kids play badminton and they love it. Aliesha joins club badminton at her school Sekolah Kebangsaan Bukit Jelutong (SKBJ). Her teacher noticed that she can play badminton and has potential to be groomed further.

So she recommends her to be enrolled into SKBJ Badminton Elite Club. The club conducts training every Sunday and trained by professional coach.

Even though I play lots of badminton when I was teenager, I am myself never had a proper badminton training. When I saw how they taught the kids made me learn proper way of playing badminton.

SKBJ Badminton Elite Club Warming Up
SKBJ Badminton Elite Club Warming Up

SKBJ Badminton Elite Club Stretching