MSSD Archery 2024 – For Petaling Perdana

First time my son attended MSSD Archery for Petaling Perdana under U10 category.

He plays archery since 2023 at SKBJ (Sekolah Kebangsaan Bukit Jelutong) but only get serious in last 2 weeks of June 2024 to get ready for MSSD Petaling Perdana on 1st July 2024.

mssd selangor u10 -warming up
mssd selangor u10 -warming up

The Competition


Under Individual boys started on 1st July.

It has Qualification Round (QR) and Olympic Round (OR). QR every archer has to shoot for 2 round and each round consists of 6N meaning 6 arrows per N.

mssd selangor u10 - getting ready
mssd selangor u10 – getting ready
mssd selangor u10 - shooting
mssd selangor u10 – shooting
mssd selangor u10 - girls student from sm shah alam giving motivation to hadien
mssd selangor u10 – girls student from sm shah alam giving motivation to hadien


MSSD made the grouping based on individual scores within the same school.

The groups competition happened fifth day which was on 5th July 2024.

mssd selangor u10 - carrying equipments etc
mssd selangor u10 – carrying equipment etc
mssd selangor u10 - group competition
mssd selangor u10 – group competition
mssd selangor u10 group competition - warming up
mssd selangor u10 group competition – warming up
mssd selangor u10 group competition - getting ready
mssd selangor u10 group competition – getting ready

Competition Result


For individual he got no 34 with 260 points.

mssd selangor u10 - hadien no 34
mssd selangor u10 – hadien no 34


My son only able to win number four for group competition and if not mistaken the organizer gave medal for number four starting this year.

mssd selangor u10 - group result
mssd selangor u10 – group result

Overall Archery MSSD Petaling Perdana 2024 Result

mssd selangor u10 group competition - got number 4
mssd selangor u10 group competition – got number 4

Very Good Experience

For me it was a good experience for my son as he needed to learn to be cool, had strong endurance and to be fast as you need to shoot fast for group competition due to limited time.


SKBJ Archery Club – Wolfpack Training

My son Dien joins archery club since June 2023 and he joined it because of friends influence. At first, I didn’t give much attention to his interest because I thought I would die off in a matter of months.

But Dien consistently went to training and kept asking to buy him a bow. Until he joined MSSD last June 2024 only then we bought him a bow. From there on we start to seriously focus on his interest.

Training at SKBJ Archery Wolfpack – Wolfpack

Training is every Saturday from 8AM till 10AM.

archery training at SKBJ
archery training at SKBJ
5m archery shooting
5m archery shooting
hadien practising archering shooting for 15m
hadien practising archering shooting for 15m

After Training

This week 20/6/2024, only 2 kids left after they finished training to practice their shooting. I let him play till 1030AM.

only 2 arhcers left after 10am - end of training
only 2 arhcers left after 10am – end of training


Peraturan Jika Berlaku Gangguan Air Berjadual

Di Selangor ini telah banyak berlaku gangguan bekalan air yang agak lama sehingga 2 ke 3 hari. Air tangki saya hanya bertahan penggunaan selama dua hari jika guna air seperti biasa.
Saya dah standby letak air di dalam tong air di porch rumah saya. Setiap kali ada gangguan bekalan air akan letak air di dalam baldi kat tandas.
Untuk menjimatkan air semasa gangguan bekalan air berjadual, saya telah membuat peraturan untuk seisi keluarga.


1) Tidak boleh mandi guna water pump, nak air laju mandi di toilet bawah
2) Kalau buang air kecil, guna air baldi, siram dengan dua kali gayung
3) Kalau nak buang air besar, guna toilet bawah, jangan on water pump
4) Jangan siram bunga
5) Berus gigi guna air baldi
6) Jangan basuh baju, hantar ke dobi
7) Tidak perlu masak
8) Minum air sejuk ambil air dari botol air dalam fridge (ambil siap-siap air dari coway masuk dalam botol dan letak dalam fridge)
9) Ambil wudhu dari baldi, letak dalam gayung

Repair Grill Wheel Drop Due To Misaligned Railing

My grill wheel drops from the grill due to misaligned railing after 11 years of use.

To repair it, need to align back the railing and welding at certain places to ensure the railing is not misaligned again.

green is the railing while blue is gap between railing and grill frame
green is the railing while blue is gap between railing and grill frame

In the video, it shows before and after repair.

How To Repair It

removed the grill door
removed the grill door
welding cathode position
welding cathode position
testing railing is correctly aligned
testing railing is correctly aligned
testing railing is correctly aligned
testing railing is correctly aligned
welding the railing to its place so it doesnt move in the future
welding the railing to its place so it doesnt move in the future
put cloth cover to protect the floor from welding sparks
put cloth cover to protect the floor from welding sparks
welding few locations to make the railing stick to its place
welding few locations to make the railing stick to its place

1) Remove the grill door.
2) Align the railing, by knocking it with a wrench.
3) Welding the railing at few location to avoid it is misaligned in the future.
4) Clean the welding spark debris to make the railing is smooth for grill wheels.
5) Install back the grill door.

My Contractor Details:

Name: Rudy
Telephone: 011 3310 8757

Cat Semula Grille Yang Telah Berkarat

Saya mula pasang grille belakang rumah pada April 2013. Selepas 11 tahun, cat grille nampak lusuh dan berkarat.

Untuk memastikan karat sampai rosakkan grille saya cat semula grille dengan menggunakan Nippon Paint pada 18 Mei 2024.

Harga cat Nippon Paint 1 liter ialah RM48.

Saya pilih Nippon Paint kerana cat yang pekat jadi bila sapu agak mudah dan cepat untuk mengecat kesemua grille.

Pada bulan Mei saya banyak mengecat besi-besi yang dah berkarat untuk memastikan besi-besi ini boleh dipakai lagi lama.

Contoh seperti mengecat semula pagar rumah.

grille yang telah dicat warna putih guna nippon paint
grille yang telah dicat warna putih guna nippon paint
grille yang masih karat belum dicat
grille yang masih karat belum dicat
nampak cantik selepas dicat
nampak cantik selepas dicat

Welding Experimentation On Rusty Iron, Painted Iron & Naked Iron

I tried few irons to know whether I can weld it using electric welding machine.

I tried on rusty iron, painted iron and naked iron.

Please look at the video below to see the results.

Rusty Iron

I can’t weld on rusty iron because the electricity cannot circulate due to the rust. You have to remove the rust in order the welding rod can touch the iron.

Painted Iron

Same goes for painted iron, I can’t weld it. So you have to remove first the paint where you want to do the welding.

Naked Iron

It works without problem.

Kategori Saiz Rumah di Malaysia

Bulan lepas, ada seorang pembeli ni cerita dekat saya yang dia tersilap beli rumah. Bukan rumah bawah ni tau. Masa dia beli tu rumah tu under construction, kira tak ada rumah contoh. Jadi just tengok layout semua nampak macam besar, luas dia booking saja untuk beli. Tapi after rumah tu siap dia terkejut sebab rumah tu kecil size nya. Parking pun muat satu kereta saja.

Bila saya tanya berapa bukaan lebar rumah? Dia kata 18 kaki. Untuk size 18 kaki memang muat 1 kereta saja parking. Melainkan kereta kecil mungkin boleh muat 2. Yang ni ikut pagar yang developer bagi. Belum renovate tukar pagar semua.

Memang selalu kalau kita tengok model rumah, atau layout rumah dan kita tak ada pengalaman untuk bayangkan “size” rumah, kita akan rasa ok. So saya terpanggil untuk menulis sedikit tentang size rumah yang biasa di jual dekat malaysia ni dan kategori rumah tu besar atau kecil.

Selain dari tengok jumlah bilik tidur dan bilik air, ada faktor lain yang kena ambil kira bagi saiz sesebuah rumah. Saiz tanah ( bagi rumah landed) dan saiz binaan ( rumah landed / apartment).

??????????/ ????? / ???? :
✅ ???-???+???? – ?????.
Kalau size macam ni biasanya studio unit / soho. Biasa ada 1 bilik atau tiada bilik.
✅ ???-???+ ???? – ?????.
Untuk Size ni dikira size yang kecil. Ada yang cukup untuk 2 bilik, ada yang 3 bilik.
✅ ???- ??????? – ?????????.
Size ni dikira “standard size” untuk kebanyakan rumah apartment. Size yang boleh dikatakan “selesa”. Tak besar sangat. Tak kecil sangat.
✅???-???? ++ ???? – ????? ??? ????.
Untuk saiz ni dikira besar bagi sebuah rumah apartment/ kondo/ flat. Layout rumah juga lebih luas. Sesetengah kondo ada yang bersaiz 1500++sqft yang mana kadang lebih luas dari saiz binaan rumah teres.
?????? / ??????: ( intermediate. Kalau corner / end lot saiz tanah lebih besar )
Size rumah teres ni biasanya (ukuran kaki)
????? ????? ?????
✅???? ????? ????? ??-?? ???? : ?????.
Lebar ni di kira saiz lebar bahagian hadapan rumah. Bagi saiz ni kecil dan untuk parking kereta kalau 16 kaki muat satu kereta sahaja. Untuk 18 kaki muat 1 kereta juga tapi kalau kereta saiz kecil boleh muat 2. Bergantung pada pagar rumah. Kalau takde tembok kiri kanan boleh masuk dua.
✅ ???? ????? ????? ?? ???? : ?????????.
20 kaki ni dikira size standard kebanyakan rumah teres dekat malaysia ni. Kira saiz yang paling banyak ada dekat pasaran. Muat untuk parking dua kereta dan dalam kategori lebar rumah yang jadi pilihan ramai.
✅???? ????? ?? ???? ?? ???? : ?????.
Size yang boleh dikatakan selesa untuk kelebaran sesebuah rumah. Untuk size 24 kaki ke atas dikategorikan sebagai “superlink”. Bukan lagi teres biasa sebab saiz yang besar dan luas. Untuk size 24 kaki ke atas kalau parking 2 kereta pun dah terlebih selesa dan siap ada ruang lagi dekat tepi untuk mini garden dan sebagainya.
????? ??????? ?????
Selain lebar, satu lagi faktor yang kena ambil kira adalah panjang tanah sesebuah rumah.
✅?? ???? ?? ????? – ??????.
Panjang 60 kaki biasanya selepas di tolak ruang untuk car porch dan binaan rumah, biasa bahagian belakang ada sedikit. Car porch pun lebih pendek.
✅ ??-?? ???? – ?????????.
Standard size bagi kebanyakan rumah yang dibina sekarang. Tak pendek sangat. Tak panjang sangat. Size yang paling ramai suka. Carporch pun tak pendek sangat dan biasa bahagian belakang pun ada lebihan tanah.
✅?? ???? ?? ???? – ???????.
Untuk panjang ni biasanya car porch akan panjang sedikit atau size standard. Bahagian backyard pun ada lebihan tanah lagi. Kadang 10 kaki atau lebih. Size 80-90 kaki dikira panjang.
????????? ?????? ????? / ????? ??
Untuk rumah teres setingkat keluasan binaan boleh ambil kira saiz rumah apartment sebagai panduan.
Untuk rumah teres 2 tingkat
✅ ???????? ?? ????? – ?????.
Biasa sekarang ni developer banyak buat rumah bersaiz kecil dengan keluasan binaan bawah 1500sqft. Kadang dia bagi tanah lebih. Dapur dan bilik kecil. Tapi ada lebihan tanah di belakang untuk kita buat sendiri tambahan.
✅ ???????? – ????+ ????- ?????????.
Bagi saiz ni dikira saiz standard untuk keluasan binaaan sebuah rumah. Saiz yang boleh dikatakan “just nice”. Tak besar. Tak terlalu kecil sangat. Tapi biasa saiz dapur ada yang sederhana, ada yang kecil bergantung pada design rumah.
✅ ???????? -????????++ – ?????.
Untuk saiz ni dikira besar untuk keluasan binaan sesebuah rumah. Saiz ni biasanya kalau tak buat tambahan dapur , bilik dan sebagainya pun dah cukup. Tak perlu extend dah biasanya.

Nak tulis sikit jadi panjang pula?. Tapi ni dikira pendapat peribadi saya yang pernah involved dalam bidang construction dulu dan sekarang bekerja sebagai perunding hartanah. Boleh jadi panduan bagi yang sedang mencari rumah. Apapun saiz pilihla ikut bajet dan citarasa masing-masing. Pilih betul-betul supaya tak salah buat pilihan .

Semoga bermanfaat.

Rumah bawah ni dekat Elmina. Size 20×80 dengan Luas binaan 2200sqft++. Yang ni kategori rumah teres intermediate yang besar dan luas.

Perkongsian Fahimah Mahayuddin

Maybank Property Fire Insurance Where to Send Your Fire Certificate?

I received reminder from Maybank for my property fire insurance. I already paid to my JMB if I don’t give to Maybank they will purchase it to me.

I totally forgot about this.

Where To Send Your Property Fire Insurance if You Took Maybank Housing Loan

You can send or fax the fire certificate to below details:


Fax: 03-78421077

Address: Fire Insurance Unit, Credit Administration Central Consumer, Ground Floor, Lot 12, Jalan Astaka U8/84, Bukit Jelutong, 40150, Shah Alam

Tuya Smart Life WiFi Smart Touch Wall Switch Review

Recently on 11/05/2024, I installed myself Wifi Smart Touch because I need to be able to schedule the switching on and off of my light in case I balik kampung or I go out early but come back late to the house.

How To Install?

I’m not electrician, so I have to look into the existing wiring and check which wire belong to live, neutral and to the lamps.

You must connect neutral wire to the switch if not it doesn’t work. Normal switch doesn’t need neutral but still can work.

opening up old switch to replace with wifi smart touch switch
opening up old switch to replace with wifi smart touch switch
replace my old scheneider switch to wifi smart switch
replace my old scheneider switch to wifi smart switch

Wifi Smart Touch Switch Installation Guide & Adding to Smart Life App Guide

Tuya Smart Life WiFi Smart Touch Wall Switch - installation guide
Tuya Smart Life WiFi Smart Touch Wall Switch – installation guide
Tuya Smart Life WiFi Smart Touch Wall Switch - smart app
Tuya Smart Life WiFi Smart Touch Wall Switch – smart app

The Smart Life App

With Tuya protocol, you can use Smart Life app to control the Wifi Switch.

Now I can control my switch anywhere, so if I back late I can switch it on remotely. Besides, If I go back to my home town or for vacation, I can set schedule when the light to be on and off.

soft switch using smart life app
soft switch using smart life app
schedule to set on and off the switch
schedule to set on and off the switch

Where To Buy?

I bought my Wifi switch at Shopee at this shop because it delivers on time and provide good quality switch.

where to buy wifi switch at shopee
where to buy wifi switch at shopee


I like Wifi switch because easier for me to control my switch if I’m not at home or even at home when I’m so lazy to move around I just switch on and off via my phone.

Aircond Installation Daikin Inverter 1HP at Apartment in Kota Damansara Price & Review

I installed one Daikin Aircond Inverter 1HP at my apartment unit Gugusan Mawar at Kota Damansara.

I chose Haz to install my aircond. It took him 4 hours to install it from 4PM till nearly 8PM.

Daikin Aircond Installation

1) Making a hole at the wall to make way for the copper & water drain pipe

drilling the wall to make way for aircond copper and water outlet
drilling the wall to make way for aircond copper and water outlet

3) The hole is below 2 inch from the indoor unit position. This is to ensure the water will go down instead of contain within the unit.

aircond installation in progress
aircond installation in progress

2) Installed the aircond bracket under the window

aircond bracket
aircond bracket

3) Looping the power from the power plug and put a 20AMP switch for the aircond

aircond installer looping the power from the plug
aircond installer looping the power from the plug

4) After installation, to test the aircond is correctly installed by switching on the aircond with minimum temperature (for Daikin it is 18C) and waited for 15mn to check whether water coming out from the drain pipe. If got water meaning to say it is correctly installed.

aircond water pipe outlet

aircond daikin inverter 1HP with 4 star rating
aircond daikin inverter 1HP with 4 star rating
aircond daikin inverter remote control
aircond daikin inverter remote control
aircond daikin installation looping from the plug
aircond daikin installation looping from the plug

Aircond Installation Price

Power Looping with cable casing and switch box (switch I provide): RM80

Install Aircond 1HP, copper pipe 6 ft, bracket outdoor, 10ft drain pipe: RM250

Additional copper pipe RM20 per feet.

I bought aircond cover 2×3 inch for 6 feet at RM18 and white cement at RM4.

Total installation cost: RM412.

For Info, Haz quoted installation for 1.5HP is RM300 with copper pipe 6 feet, bracket outdoor and 10ft drain pipe.

Aircond Installer Contact Details

Haz: 011 5755 8603

After seeing Haz did his good quality work, I decided to hire him to service my aircond.